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I rocked out on stage, I was so nervous but I could see my William proudly beaming at me from the front row giving me the support I needed. I'd just come back on stage from taking a little break grabbing a snack and some water then ran back on giving a wave to the cheering crowd that peter had been entertaining.

"Ok let's finish this off on a high shall we?" I called out to more cheers taking my place again, we did two more high energy songs finishing with a mid tempo number then left waving. I ran over to William who scooped me up twirling me around.
"I am so proud of you, you were amazing"
"Beers and tequila!" Peter whooped dragging his new friend to the party area near the large bar.
"Hey, you alright or you completely spent after that performance, you gave it a hundred percent up there." William asked concerned
"I'm pretty beat, I don't want to disappoint them though." I looked over at an excited peter and a Tammy
"Give it ten minutes and he'll be all over his new friend like butter on a slice of toast" William laughed

"you want to call it night or I saw a chill out zone somewhere we could explore, I think I saw marshmallows and a fire pit" William threw an arm over my shoulders
"I do like the sound of that" I hummed leaning into him.
"Pete! Peter! I'm taking Jemima to the chill vibes zone, we'll catch you later" William called out
"Fine whatever! Boring old farts!" Peter laughed back at us
"Come on, I think it was this way. I'm not singing round a camp fire though."
"Think they do a fertility dance at midnight if you want to get naked and join in?"
"Errr no!" William looked at me worriedly, I burst out laughing and he joined me "you're winding me up aren't you you little minx"
"A little bit, there is a thing but it's way over there in that big circus looking tent. Strictly over eighteens only. Never been in but we peek through a hole once. It was weird."

We sat around a fire roasting marshmallows on a stick snuggled on a beanbag just chilling watching the stars, William pointing some of the constellations he knew out to me, he was a little tipsy and it was funny to see him so relaxed and mellow outside of a room where it wasn't just the two of us. He was chronically shy and his family had high expectations of how he should carry himself and I know he felt the burden on his shoulders from having to behave and be a good boy all the time, it was a lot of pressure.

"Jemima I think I'm a little drunk and maybe high, I'm not sure that chocolate cake we ate was legit" William giggled
"Me either if I'm honest, I'm a little mellow, I thought it was just your influence"
"Hmm maybe" he looked down at me twirling a piece of my hair in his finger. "You want to go back to our tent if we can find it?"
"Sure, Tammy taped rainbow windmills to them so we should find them. Let's go my handsome posh boy."

I walked along hand in hand with William in the direction of our tent, laughing at the strange noises and many arguments coming from within the mass of tents.
"I was looking forward to seeing that underwear but now I know the whole world can hear you inside these things I'm not so sure" william laughed "I mean look at that shadow, it's obvious what they're doing! Or what she's doing to him I should say" he cocked his head to the side giggling again "oh look this is us, oh peter didn't last long at he party tent then"
"Apparently not, shush, get ready to run." I tiptoed up to Peter's tent, William looked at me confused "EARTHQUAKE" I yelled at top volume, violently shaking peters tent in my hands, William sniggered running away quickly
"What the....I'm gonna kill you jemima!" Peter flustered inside. I laughed running away towards William who grabbed my hand pulling me along.

"I can't believe you just did that, they know"
"Oh I know, its pay back. He threw ice water in mine and Felix's tent last time we did something like this."
"Fair enough, not sure we can go back to the tent now though it's right next to his. He'll be getting his own back if we do"
"Good job I swiped his dads car keys earlier then isn't it" I dangled the keys "I thought i might get cold. His backseats go flat we can sleep in there."
"I'd prefer that." William nodded

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