Family outing

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I waited for the boys outside Jem's room trying to get the image of that duvet mound and Williams moaning out of my head.  The boys came bundling out of the elevator all excited about taking Jem out for the day. They stopped in their tracks when they saw me leant up against the wall outside Jem's room.
"What you doing out here?" Milo bounced over to me, he'd obviously been on the coffee this morning.
"Oh my god boys I walked in on them!"
"What'd you mean?" Tom asked
"You know..." I moved my hands in strange movements not sure what I was trying to demonstrate
"Huh?....Oh...OH!" Ed's eyes widened.
"What did you do?" Tom gasped
"I just stood there frozen to the spot listening then fell over a chair trying to get the hell out of the room as quickly as I could" I hung my head in my hands
"What he was actually..." Max asked pointing to the room door sounding pissed off
"No, they were just kissing under the covers, he was shirtless, she had all her clothes on, but she sounded like she was really enjoying it! He definitely was, I think he copped a quick feel I'm not sure of what exactly! He had his jeans undone, oh god oh don't want to think about where my little sisters hands were."

"Oh my god Matty, I think we're the ones who are going to need the headphones when we get back home." Milo laughed loudly, we all started laughing even max gave out a little snigger, I think more about me falling over and making an idiot of myself.
"It's not funny boys, I can't I unhear that!"
"What did she say?" Ed asked between laughs
"After laughing at me tangled in the chair on the floor she said they were just kissing and that he'd probably snap her boney ass in two or she'd fall asleep half way through cos she keeps falling asleep! You know what she's like, poor William was mortified, I think he thought I was going to beat the crap out of him, he looked petrified. I've been telling him for weeks to keep his hands to himself while she's sick!"
"So are know?" Tom nodded towards the door, all the boys standing looking at me in anticipation "for god sake Matty! Are they sleeping together?" Tom whispered "do we need to go big brother wolf pack and kick his ass or what?"
"No, leave him be" I chuckled "I'm....sorting it."
"That's not an answer!" Max grumpily huffed "is he fucking her or not Matty?"
"Oi! Behave! No ones fucking my little baby sister, ever!" The boys swallowed their laughter "she's too sick max, he wouldn't, he knows I'd bloody kill him."
"Good." Max crossed his arms over his chest "like you say she's too sick. If he hurts her I'm gonna kill him Matty you know that right? If he fucking touches her I'm..."
"Dude I'm the big brother with anger issues remember, down boy" I sarcastically pulled him into a hug "tag team?" I joked, he smiled and nodded "give him a chance mate like we discussed."

William opened the door and wheeled out a well covered up Jem, she looked even smaller wearing his clothes.
"Oh wait I need my max blanket!" She announced, William went back in the room bringing the fleece blanket max had got her putting it on her lap tucking it around her.  Max stood there with a smug grin on his face because she called it her 'max blanket' which she said in a really cute way. 
"See you're still her best bud max, she don't have to choose mate, she can have her boyfriend and her best buddy" I nudged max whispering in his ear
William had a backpack on his shoulders, full of everything we needed for a full day out.  We all put our beanie hats and sunglasses on in a lame attempt to be incognito, despite the fact we had security guards following us, William said it would help Jem feel less self conscious about being wrapped up. 

I let William push Jem along the street in front of us, they were chatting away happily with each other, Jem's smile was wide and she kept reaching out her arm touching things with her fingers when she passed them as if exploring the world for the first time like a toddler. William was leaning over her chair pointing to things he thought she would like and giving her quick kisses.  I walked behind with the boys and jack, watching, enjoying seeing my little sister smile.  We passed a karaoke bar and Milo jumped excitedly shoving William off the chair wheeling Jem in at speed before we could even say yes or no.

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