Not again!

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Matty sent William to stay with Ed, he and max staying with me that night, taking shifts to watch me while I tried to sleep and breathe through the chest infection or pneumonia as the boys kept correcting me complaining that I was still playing it down.  Matty had gone back to sleep on the sofa seat after my last coughing fit and max sat on my bed with me, I couldn't sleep no matter how exhausted I was.

"Emmy? You ok?"
"My chest hurts max" I squirmed rubbing my chest between my breasts and neck.
"Can I?" He said offering his large palm up to me, I lay back and he rubbed my chest with his hand "any good?" He asked, I replied with simple nod. "I can feel you chest rattling Emmy!"
"Mmhhmm" I hummed getting more comfortable
"You've got to let us look after you Emmy and you've got to look after yourself! Your're gonna pick stuff up until we've got you fitter and fatter!"
"You like your women plump eh max" I joked with him
"You still have a hot ass Emmy" he smirked rubbing his fingers on my butt playfully, then looked over at Matty remembering he was in the room, checking he was still sleeping.

"You should probably take your hand out of my top before he wakes up max!" I coughed, he moved his hand, sitting me up slightly propping me up with pillows, plumping them sweetly.
"I love you Jemima, let me love you" max whispered sweetly tucking me in "you scared me today"
"You know..." his shoulder jerked suddenly "shit sorry Emmy, I errrr"
"When you're ready to tell me." I reassured him, I'd seen him do it a few times on tour, the boys telling me not to ask "you ok?" I rubbed his shoulder softly
"I'm nervous" he chuckled softly, his cheeks going rosey red
"What? Why?" I coughed holding my chest
"Because....your brothers over there and your lips are right here in front of me, tempting me." He ran his thumb over my bottom lip "if you weren't sick.....and if Matty wasn't just there snoring like a gorilla...."
"Behave" I smiled at him fondly "you're very special Max."
"Am I?"
"Yeah. One of kind. My goofball drumsticks. You're very special to me and you always will be. I hope you know that."
"Ditto" Max entwined our fingers. "You are going to beat this Emmy, now we know what we're dealing with you're going smash this, I just know you are Emmy."

"Max...... I'm hungry"
"I'm hungry, I think it's the the broccoli it made me more hungry or the new meds are kicking in, it's weird right!"
"Getting food, what do you want?" Max exclaimed a little too loudly scrambling enthusiastically but clumsily off the bed ending up in a heap on the floor, waking Matty up.
"What! What's going on? You ok Jem?"
"She's hungry!"

They both scrambled around looking for food in Williams bags like a pair of looters, knowing he kept food stashed for me that he'd been trying to encourage me to eat more with.
"I don't think you should be going through Williams stuff boys!" I laughed making me cough again. "Maybe I should text him" I grabbed my phone off the side. The boys agreed to stop looking through his stuff especially after max accidentally picked up Williams box of condoms and his book 'beginners guide to oral sex' that he'd got free with his underwear purchase, I'd caught him reading it one night intently, he jumped so high the book went flying in the air. I was hoping his mother and sister hadn't seen it when they opened his parcel. my brothers eyes widened at max, flustering not very subtly trying to get Max's attention. Max looked at his hand instantly dropping the box and the book, the pair of them muttering and flustering flapping their hands at each other Matty telling max to shush and not say anything, I tried my best not to laugh at them. five minutes later William was at the door, I presume he wasn't asleep, despite the fact it was 2am.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he rushed in past the boys, I think he was annoyed at them for kicking him out for the night, just what I needed Matty to join in the in fighting with William!
"I'm hungry" he smiled widely at me and dived into a bag pulling out a smaller one crammed with snacks putting it in front of me for me to choose. I chose something and offered the bag to the boys to join me. William slid into bed next to me helping me to sit up into a more comfortable position.
"Can we just not talk about this and just eat" I demanded taking a large bite of a peanut butter bar. The boys flopped onto the bed eating some candy, max gave me a fist bump making me smile at him. "You goofball, eat your bloody candy!"
William massaged my stomach without me even asking, nuzzling into me once the boys had both crashed out on the bed.

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