Covert agents

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I didn't sleep at all and was banging on doors at half three in the morning to make sure we left on time. We piled into a people carrier with over night bags just in case, jack driving us to Scotland while I continued to try calling Jem.
"Matty, she'll be fine." Jack told me firmly after I'd let out a frustrated groan at being sent to voicemail again. "Have you boys decided what the plan is yet? I can get us in, access all area passes but what then?"
"Matty it's your call mate, we'll back you up but we need to know." Ed patted my knee
"I honestly don't know" I bobbed my knee "do I let her perform then lay into her? Do we just watch her then leave if she's ok or do I drag her little butt back with us and pound the boys heads together?"

"I was talking to my contact Matty, this things a big deal she's doing, it's not massive crowds like you boys but it's still sizeable, she's performing the two big slots"
"Yeah apparently She's doing like a mellow chill out vibe thing on Sunday too. Here checkout my phone. She's closing the festival, apparently it's a big deal according to my mate. Everyone that's closed the festival goes on to have a record deal historically."

"She's a teenager at the end of the day Matty" milo shrugged "she's only a few years younger than Tom

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"She's a teenager at the end of the day Matty" milo shrugged "she's only a few years younger than Tom. if it was us we'd be on that stage and we'd be partying hard all weekend!"
"Oh god shut up" I covered my face "I know we would, but it's Jemima! I know she's doing better but I'm not going to sit here a pretend she's fine, she's not fine, far from it boys! she's still working on this and she's going to be doing so for a long bloody time, you saw that fucking house! Trauma doesn't even cover it! What if she has an episode and relapses in the middle of nowhere! Or on stage! She's not ready for this!"
"If you want to be the cool father figure then support her, don't stop her from living life because you're scared Matty" Jack sighed sadly "I know Matty, I know how sick she's been, I know the situation with her and posh boy isn't what you want, but she's seventeen Matty, you can't lock her away from the world like you did on tour or it's going to blow up in your face again, you're going to push her away straight into posh boys arms or peters! Once she's eighteen she can walk away, just remember that. It's not far off now mate. You say her missing out on her childhood don't make her miss out on the teen years too matty."

"I know I know, let's just wait and see what the situation is when we get there. hopefully posh boy won't let them drink and get high if she's performing. God I really want to smash his face in, that's twice now he's run off with her!"
"She's too young to elope Matty, chill" jack laughed
"Oh god, oh no, I didn't even think of that!"
"She's too young I checked the uk law already" max huffed tapping into his phone
"What do you mean you checked? What did you need to check uk marriage law for dude!"
"I checked it last night numbnuts! Just in case, I don't know the law here do I, I'm Australian Mate! I thought maybe it was sixteen here, it's not, I double checked, without your permission it's eighteen, so posh boy can fuck off! Damn she's not replying to any of my messages, I think her phones switched off."

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