Pretty ángel

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The boys got changed out of their sweaty clothes, spoke to some tech guys briefly then we made our way back to the hotel. William and I headed to our room where we just lay quietly while William held me, that was all I needed in that moment, just to be held by someone who cared for me. His touch was so gentle, no one had ever been as gentle with me as my william, it gave me goosebumps when her ran his fingertips along my arm softly and mindlessly. It was strange to vibe touched all over but it not be sexual in anyway.

The boys knocked an hour later uninvited bringing food and drinks squeezing into the room with us. They all tried to get me to eat some pizza, half way through my second slice I darted to the bathroom to throw up, max hot on my heels. He crouched next to me holding my hair back for me, until William appeared.

"It's ok max I can take it from here"
"You're ok, I've got it."
"I said I can take.over!" William hissed at him clearly annoyed.
"And I said I got this! Who do you think looks after her when you bugger back of to you posh lifestyle and leave her behind!"
"I'm working! The same as you! It has nothing to do with my upbringing or money! It's my career."
"If you say so."

"For fuck sake both of you fuck off!" I snapped at them, "I'm not an 'it' and stop bloody fighting over me I'm not a bloody possession you can..." my rant was interrupted by the need to throw up again, both of them rushing to help me, William pushing Max's hand off my back and out of my hair.
max got annoyed shoving Williams shoulder. "Fuck off you posh pansy"
"You fuck off you handsie snake" William shoved max back.
I shrugged both of them off me when they tried to assert dominance over each other, flapping them away. "MATTY!" I called out loudly and he came rushing in "get these two idiots away from me!" He laughed and ordered them both out shutting the bathroom door and sitting down next to me. "They're doing my head in, why can't they just get along!"
"I don't know Jemima, I'll talk to max ok. It's not like him, he's usually easy going. He thinks William's snobbish and looks down on us I think. Now what's with the the throwing up."
"my stomachs been in knots for days, just the thought of food makes me want to...." I threw up again as Matty held my hair and rubbed my back.

"Jemima Miller, are you sure you're not pregnant!"
"God Matty don't start ok"
"You promised not to dodge the subject if I let him stay."
"I'm not dodging, I just know what that lot are like and they're all listening in! I know you're listening boys!" I called out which resulted in scuffling noises proving I was right. "I'd rather just have these conversations just you and me ok, that's all. It's private! My boyfriends just out there don't embarrass me!"
"Fair enough, but..."
"I'm definitely NOT pregnant Matty, I'm just.....sad Okay, I'm just really really sad, I just want today to be over already and I feel guilty that I feel like that. I can't eat when I'm super stressed or sad I just throw it all back up, I always have done, don't you remember the time grandma made me eat that soup while mum and dad were screaming at each other in the other room, I up chucked red soup all over her new white carpet!"

"Now you mention it, I do remember that! You were four. Oh do you remember when you were an angel in the nursery nativity you got so nervous you threw up twice before we even left the house!"
"Yeah I remember, I was three, Peter was a shepherd because he was in reception, but he held my hand the whole way through because he knew I was nervous. Everyone thought it was hilarious that the shepherd had a mini angel in tow for the whole play, except the teachers, they kept telling him to let go of my hand but he refused. That's where we met, backstage, he found me crying, hiding under a table and gave me a hug. Said "no cry pretty ángel, me Petey you come me" We've been inseparable ever since." I laughed.

"Oh my god, THAT was Peter, I remember that! I just hadn't realised that that was Peter! Of course it was. The little Hispanic kid with the good but broken English!" Matty shook his head laughing. "Kept saying what was it god let me think "papa my pretty ángel Jemima come home to us, te amo my Jemima." But in a thick spanish accent, said your name like geeamimea, I had to pry him off you. I was watching with grandma and gramps and he wanted you to move in with him. He had a little tantrum when his dad said no and gramps dragged you away. Guess he lost the accent and got A lot better at English."
"Yeah his accent comes out every now and then, but he's lived in England since he was three and half. Bit like you and your Aussie accent eh Matty. G'day mate. I think his dad has a copy of that play on dvd somewhere, I'll ask him when we go to England, I know he has photos, he's got one of us up on his fireplace me in my angel dress with its chewed sleeve and tinsel halo and Peter in his tea towel hat. we look cute." I laughed at the memories of Peters dad and staying at his house, my place to escape to.

Keeping JemimaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora