A private word

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William sat looking at me nervously "keep it up William, just don't get carried away she's only seventeen." He nodded nervously "I err got you these" I handed him a couple of boxes of condoms out of my hoodie pocket, he looked like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole "kid, take them, I noticed your box was nearly empty the other week when I was looking for her snacks in your bag while you were in the shower, I'm not happy about you sleeping with my little sister, I'd rather you didn't! I'd ask you to consider stopping. However I want you to be safe if you are." I tried to sound as calm and unflustered as possible trying to remember everything from my raising teens book I'd been swatting up on for tips and the many conversations I'd had with Sandra asking for her advice "I know you've got a lot going on with helping look after her, I don't want you to get caught out and be tempted to do things without the appropriate precautions. you know she's not on the pill I presume, we discussed it with the doctor when you weren't there, they said it wasn't appropriate with her other issues and medications for now, so you need to be extra careful, every time, understand? and you come and tell me straight away if there any slip ups or mishaps, even if she tells you not to! We need to be careful while she's sick and with her mental heath, I'm not saying....end of the day if that situation arises then it's down to you two what decision you make but she'll need a lot of support so if it happens you come straight to me so she has options, or if you think she might be pregnant you come to me sooner rather than later, I'll get your parents together and we can sit down and discuss options so we can support you. She'll need as much time as possible to process her decision."
"Right Yeah Yeah, no I wouldn't risk it Matty and yeah she told me. I wouldn't walk away Matty, just so you know and I wouldn't force her into a decision either way, I'm pro choice but I'd rather keep it if that happened, I'd step up Matty, but I'm not planning on children for a long time, I'm careful Matty I swear. My parents would literally kill me, children out of wedlock is a big no go in my family."

"Well, how are things going in that department, everything...ok? You got any questions I can help with?"
"No" William said quickly "I mean I speak with my father if I have any technical questions Matty, not that I have them, god this is awkward. Sorry. Matty I can assure you I would never push her to do anything she didn't feel comfortable with, I respect her too much."
"So this fancy hotel, I take it you have plans"
"Matty I, im not sure this an appropriate conversation." He looked at me with pleading eyes to end this conversation "I have no plans that aren't....normal....for a teenage couple in love."
"Right" I felt myself getting flustered too "I just don't want her agreeing to anything.... kinky... or that she's not.."
"No, not into that Matty." William Shut me down quickly "at all. She likes cuddles." He blurted out randomly "I mean she likes the intimacy you know the closeness, the skin to skin contact, sometimes we don't do anything but strip down and hold each other, she really likes that. I'm content with that Matty. I like to make her feel loved that's all Matty, it's not just about sex with us. I just wanted to spend some one on one time with her without any distractions, some relaxation time if you like, away from the screaming fans and hectic schedule. She gets overwhelmed with your fans Matty I don't know if you'd noticed but she doesn't cope well with it. I thought some time off from the midnight blue mayhem might do her some good. Some quiet time."

"Good, well, just make sure you take your supplies with you, just in case your cuddles get out of hand. I'll sort dinner for tonight, see you later kid."
"Thanks, you can trust me Matty, I really do love your sister, I'm going to take care of her."
"Just don't take care of her too much kid! Just...take things....gently. Just remember her history mate, she'd do anything to keep you happy, to make sure you don't leave her, understand, she'd agree to anything you asked her to do even if it made her feel uncomfortable or it....physically hurt or.."
"Right yep sure" he flushed red again "I wouldn't, I mean, I let her set the pace Matty, always, nothing gets.... done... unless she says it's ok, and I always check, every time, before, I mean I never presume, ever. She has the right to say no to me as I do her. Like I say she likes just being held and I'm happy with that Matty."

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