Somethings not right and I'm worried

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I watched William wheel my frail sister out of Max's room then sat in the armchair waiting to see if max would speak first. He didn't, he sat on his bed leaning forward on his knees tapping his thumbs together.
"Max look, I'm sorry ok, I'm just so bloody worried about her"
"And you don't think I am?" He snapped defensively
"I didn't say that max, please I don't want to argue with you, I'm just trying to explain myself, I'm so fucking scared max, I'm scared I'm gonna loose her, I'm scared she's just not going to wake up one day, every time she nods off I'm watching her breathe in case she stops." I couldn't fight the tears I'd been trying to keep in over the last few weeks, I'd been trying to be the strong big brother she needs but inside I was just crumbling. Petrified I was going to loose her again.

"We're not there yet Matty, yeah she's really sick but we're not at that point yet, you've just been reading too much. She's not Vanessa! I'm scared too" I looked up at him and saw that he was being brutally honest and sincere "I'm scared I'm gonna loose her to this too ok, but we're not going to, we've caught this in time, we have time Matty, we've been gifted extra time with her and we shouldn't waste it sitting in hotel rooms watching her breathe. You got her back from that monster Matty don't waste precious time with her because you're scared."
"You really care about her don't you max" he nodded wiping his own tears away "and she cares about you, I can tell. But don't make her choose mate, even if you don't like William, you have to accept him for her sake."
"I know, I'm trying, I can't help not liking the dude, he's annoying! I just want her to be happy, my little Emmy deserves to be happy, everything she's been through Matty she deserves to be happy"
"Yeah mate she does, you need to teach me how you do it max, how you make her eyes light up like you do"
"I do?"
"Yeah, sometimes I feel like she sees you more as her big brother than she does me!"
"Don't be stupid Matty, no one can replace you"

"So what did you do yesterday?" He unlocked his phone and handed it to me, I took it scrolling through the photo stream he had left open, I smiled at the mass of goofy selfies and photos he had taken of Jem smiling and laughing.

"You took her skateboarding!""Yeah she loved it, and I had hold of her the whole time so she didn't fall, I don't want to see her break something just as much as you you know! I was trying to get her to let go of some of the control, let me take c...

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"You took her skateboarding!"
"Yeah she loved it, and I had hold of her the whole time so she didn't fall, I don't want to see her break something just as much as you you know! I was trying to get her to let go of some of the control, let me take charge, show her nothing bad would happen. She's been asking me to teach her since before the tour, I bought her a helmet, why did you think we were skating around that first hotel Matty, I know I'm not allowed, how many times I get in trouble in the early years eh?" he sniggered
"Thanks max, when you think about about it you can see why she struggles with control, she's had so little of it in her life, Steve, felix...Arthur, she couldn't control any of it. I should have been there teaching her this stuff eh, skating with her big brother,we missed out on all that stuff. I presumed it was too late."
"Never too late Matty."

" My Emmy....she has a wild spirit. You wanna teach her something or have a sibling moment just go for it Matty, you don't always have to be her sensible father figure, in fact I guarantee she'll love it. She craves it Matty, like you said she never had that, Peters the closest she got to that, can't imagine him skating though." He giggled, his shoulder jerking up. "Shit sorry"
"How many times mate don't fucking apologise to me! You forget to take your meds again?" He nodded "go take um now then dude, you still haven't told her about your ADHD and tics have you. You know you could, She won't care max." I continued to scroll "she ate a burger!" I gasped loudly

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