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After the meet and greet I was still shaking after hugging Chris mother freaking Evans. I wanted to be in that hug forever. He even smelled so delicious. I was trying not to drool. Then when he hugged me tighter I couldn't help but gasp.

He felt so warm and it felt safe in his arms. I could feel my insides melting. I'm so happy I didn't let out a moan. I'm sure that's the next sound I was gonna make.

The way he hid biting his lip. I wanted to bite the bottom lip.

'Get a grip girl'. I heard my brain tell me.

It was right. I was so tired of being treated like I was a second option to any man I dated.

I looked at the number on the piece of paper he gave me and I folded it up in my blue jean jacket.

I may of may not text him. Maybe it was a fake number.

I finished packing up my suit case and my other luggage and we took a cab to the air port to go home back to Florida.

Once we got settled on the plane and took off. I looked at my phone. I looked over and Layla was texting up a storm. Her and Sebastian instantly started flirting and I was just a bystander to it. It was adorable.

"Hey Lu, did you ever text Chris?"

"No. I was going to and I got scared."

Layla put her phone down immediately.

"Chris won't hurt you hun. He's got a huge heart of gold on him".

"I know it's just I don't wanna get hurt anymore".

"I know hun. I know you're scared. Give it a chance okay. I saw the one he looked at you. He likes you".


"Course, dude was trying not to chew his bottom lip off staring at you".

"Okay I'll give him a text".

So I text him and wait for a response and I'm so nervous. Imagine catching the man's eyes that played in movies and had a successful career and he wanted to get to know you. Plus he was outrageously hot.

I'd probably never ever fathom that he "liked me". Like I wasn't really anything special. Not special enough to be worthy of him.

I wasn't a Hollywood starlet like his friend Scarlet Jo. I'm just this girl who's from Florida and I guess that's pretty much it, I guess.

"Hey, I know what's going on on that head of yours and it needs to stop. You're beautiful just how you are. You know he's so down to earth and he appreciates all the little things. He likes you because you are amazing. And I'm not saying that because you're my friend. I'm saying what any person would. You are a gem."

It's like Layla could always read my mind, that's why we've been friends for almost a decade.

"Thanks Lay. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around this is all".

"Don't let those other assholes you dated get into your head. This could be a good thing. You are nothing like they said you are."

I felt tears threatening to fall. All those things I was told and how I was such a prude for not doing anything too sexual.

I closed my eyes and Layla hugged me and I laid my head on her shoulders and cried. I became so insecure because of my past and I developed depression and ptsd and anxiety. My past had fucked me up so bad. Layla had to stop me from ending it all.

I felt my phone vibrate against my seat.

Hey you 😊

I smiled and wiped my eyes.

Here's to hoping this is it and that he was the one.

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