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So after a very uncomfortable time trying to clean up after our little escapade. The two of us sat down at the dinning room table going over more wedding plans. With the way the planning was going we'd be all done hopefully soon and then comes the dresses and the tuxs.

"I'm scared I'm going to show a lot by the time I need my dress".

"We can just get an idea soon and then we can always do a fitting a day or so before the wedding just to be sure. It happens all the time like that", said Lisa.

"Well that makes me feel a lot better".

"It'll be okay sweetheart. You'll still be beautiful even if you had to wear a table cloth. You'll always be beautiful", said Chris. Then he kissed my cheek.

"Aww, you guys really are the "it" couple. I hope me and Sebastian are just as great as you two are", said Layla.

"You guys are cute also, especially the way his eyes light up when you're with him".

I felt Chris grab my hand and he squeezed it. I look at him and his smile is one of the things I fell in love with.

So after planning more wedding things, we had a little late evening picnic.

I had my head in Chris's lap and he was running his fingers through my hair causing me to doze in and out. Dodger was sunbathing on the blanket next to us.

"I don't think we've watched the sunset in a while. Sound like a good idea sweetheart?"

"Sounds amazing babe".

I get up slowly and lay my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead softly. I kissed my eyes and smiled.

"You really are adorable hun".

"And you're handsome".

His eyes scanned my face and ended at my lips and he leaned over and kissed me slowly. Then it grew more heated and the sun was starting to set but we didn't very well seem to care. We were too busy getting lost in each other. The kisses we shared were delicious. I couldn't get enough of his lips and the taste of him. Our tongues wrestled for dominance.

"You okay with not being on top baby?" He asked.

"I'm perfectly fine with it".

He kissed me more as he pulled his sweats down enough and moved my clothes but kept me shielded.

He slowly pushed into me and I cupped his face and kissed him as I moved my legs up.

We pulled a blanket out and lay there watching the stars.

"I really think someone out there granted me the wish that I've always wanted. And they gave me you".

I kissed him softly. He ran a hand up and down my back.

"I'll keep telling you that I'm the one that got lucky, I was ready to give up and then you were there and the rest is history. I don't think I'd ever change it either. You're my everything and I'll want you to be my always and my infinity".

I leaned down and kissed him and touched my forehead with his.

"You're my forever Chris Evans, if you'll have me that long that is".

"I'd have you for all time, our souls will always find each other".

I was full on crying now but with the love that I had for this man. He was my all. This was it. He was my one and in a few months I'd have his last name and then his first child.

'My little family and my perfect life'. I thought with a smile.

Would there be some problems? Course but I couldn't see me with anyone else to deal with these problems with.

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