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After our lunch, my dad gave us money to have a girls day and I picked up Layla. It was going to be a girls day indeed.

I pulled up to the hair salon. I got out and sighed.

"It'll be okay sweetheart. You're stronger now. You don't have to do this you can keep the purple. I'm sure Chris doesn't mind at all".

"I'm not entirely doing this for Chris. I'm mostly doing this for me. I won't let my past ruin a hair color. I have a loving boyfriend and wonderful parents and a bestie who means everything to me. I got this".

We walked in and I left everyone go first and I was playing with my hair tie til it was my turn. I got up and sat in the chair. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"It's okay hun. Your friend told me what happened. You're so brave and amazing."

"Thank you. It's been so hard but I found a guy I love so much and he makes me feel so beautiful inside and out".

"Sounds like an amazing guy".

"Can you blindfold me so I can see it til it's done?"

"If that's really want you want".


I felt a bandanna cover my eyes and I felt a hand squeezing mine.

It took some time but I felt the bandanna coming off and I adjusted my eyes to the light and I looked into the mirror and my hair was back to dirty blonde and it was cut a little shorter to the middle of my back. It even framed my face and I had bangs.

I cried happy tears. I looked great.

"Thank you so much. It's so beautiful. I look beautiful".

"You're welcome. You're so beautiful and brave. I'm so proud of you. I hope life treats you kindly and that you are happy".

"I will be".

I walked out of there with a new sense of happy and I couldn't wait to Skype with Chris tonight.

We got our nails done and had a spa treatment and even went shopping a little. I told myself I need to go back shopping before I left for Boston.

And finally I came home and Layla wanted to stay over and help me pack because she was mostly already packed.

I saw my computer light up and I knew it was Chris.

"Hey sweetheart".

"Hi Chris. I did something today I'm really proud of and it took a lot to do but remember when I said I was going to go back to my natural hair color?"


I took the beanie off and Chris's mouth turned into a smile.

"Sweetheart, I'm so proud of you. You look beautiful angel. I wish I was there."

"I feel beautiful Chris. I got this. I feel like I can do this and be better and I have you to thank for this".

"I'm gonna start crying baby."

"I love you so much Chris. I'll never love anyone the way I love you. I want to live my life with you and Dodger. I want your family to love me. I want babies with you. I never thought I'd even live this long but god I'm so happy I did. You're my soul mate. I adore you and I admire you and I love you."

By this point Chris was sobbing and so was I.

"I'll find a way to come down there sooner than I have to for that court date. I need my baby. I'm so proud of you".

"Chris. When I'm done packing I'm leaving regardless whether this place is sold or not. I need to wake up next to you".

"I know sweetheart. I really am proud of you".

"I feel happy for once. I love you Chris with all my heart".

"Me too love".

"My dad proposed to my mom today. They're getting married again".

"That's great hun. Any idea when the wedding is yet?"

"No, but I have a feeling it's going to be a small wedding but you'll definitely be my date."


"I'm gonna go okay. I love you".

"Love you too".

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