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Me and Chris are on the couch and watching tv with Dodger at the end of the couch. My head is on Chris's chest. He's got his arms wrapped around me and I'm trying to stay awake, but he feels so warm and cozy.

I snuggled more into him and I felt him chuckle.

"Comfy babe?"

"Course. I have my own personal pillow".

"Oh I forgot to tell you. Are you okay with going to my mom's tomorrow for dinner?"

"Sure I'm okay with that".

"What would you like. Mom can make anything really?"

"I feel like someone pasta like. Maybe chicken Alfredo or something".

"Sounds good sweetheart. I'll text her that".

Chris reaches for his phone to text his mom.

"And I think it's time for us to go bed. I see you trying not to fall asleep on me Lu".

"Carry me please?"

"You're so adorable".

He lifted me up and walked to the bedroom with Dodger behind us. He turned off lights as he walked. I curled up into him and he pulled the covers back and set me down.

He laid next to me and I touched his cheek and he smiled at me. I smiled back. He kissed my lips and pulled me close to his body.

I kissed him back so softly and wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me against his body. I smiled against his lips and he chuckled a bit.

"For I cant help help falling in love with you", he whispered so softly I almost didn't hear him.

I sat up and felt tears falling down my face. Chris sat up and pulled me into his arms and wiped them with his thumb.

"You are the best thing I think I'll ever have in my life, and maybe a future family".

"I love how ready you are for a family".

"I'm not rushing you in all of this, am I?"

"No, hun. I'm just having doubts about being able to be a good mother".

"You'll be the best damn mother to our kids. You are the love of my life sweetheart".

"What if your mom doesn't like me?"

"She already loves you and she hasn't met you. Is that why you think what you do?"

"That's some of it, but mostly I'm scared".

"I'll be here you know that. I'm not leaving you unless you really want me to".

"I know, I just can't help when I'm like this. God I'm a mess. Everything comes back to haunt me and you saw how I was in that court room. Our kids are going to need a mom who's not me".

"God, sweetheart they'll love you. You'll be perfect. I love you so damn much sweetheart".

"Can we take a bath. I don't think I can sleep right now. My anxiety is keeping me awake".

"Of course angel. Anything you need, I'm here".

Chris leaves me for a minute to set up the bath and then he grabs my hand. I walk in and he's got tea light candles everywhere as the water is running.

I pull him with me until my back hits the wall, while I'm kissing him. He kisses me back with an intense passion.

His lips leave mine and he walks to turn off the water. He walks back over to me. His lips meet the start of my neck and his kisses are making my knees weak. I close my eyes as he bites the skin and I let out little gasps and my breathing gets sharper.

"You're so sensitive and responsive baby girl. You're all mine and I'm going to make damn sure you know how much you mean to me. How perfect you are to me. And how lucky I am to have you in my life."

Chris's hands trail down my body and his fingers end at the end of the tshirt. He takes it off of me. I catch a glimpse of those eyes of his and they're darker with lust.

He moves his head and lips over my collarbone and down, down til his tongue moves over a nipple. He looks up at me as he flicks it over and over. I feel him hold me up by my butt with one arm.

"Chris, baby. You gotta stop."

"I'm just getting started sweetheart. I'm enjoying the most beautiful body I've ever seen".

I stood there and enjoyed everything he did and he helped me in the water and pulled me into his lap.

He grabbed my hips and guided me down until I was sitting.

"You feel so good every time."

"You can't say things like that and not expect me not to react. God you do things to me."

I kissed him and my hands cupped his face and we closed our eyes as we kissed. Chris bit my lip and pulled it slightly.

I shuddered against him and returned it as well.

He grabbed my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck as the water moved. Probably creating a mess but we were too far into bliss to care.

I heard little things in my ear as he guided me and I was in heaven. Making love with Chris Evans was heaven and it was an experience. An art. The way he looked at me.

Messy hair, swollen red lips, lust filled eyes. He was everything wrapped in a bow.

"I know your close sweetheart. I am too. I got you".

I shuddered against him with a loud whimper and a slight jump.

"Fuck, baby. You look like a goddess."

I felt him shudder and I closed my eyes and let the bliss wash over us.

"That was amazing".

"It always is with us".

"You're right".

"I needed that".

"I see you're getting tired too. I'll finish cleaning us off and I'll tuck you into bed".


I felt warm water and then a bed and a good night and felt a kiss.

I was out.

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