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After our little rendezvous that came from the massage, we went outside and sat on the balcony. I sat in Chris's lap. He held me as I leaned back against him.

I wasn't focused so much on the sky as I was him. I could just stare at him forever. I lay my head in his neck and he turns to look at me.

"What're gonna do when I leave?"

"Miss you like crazy, maybe hang out with the bestie. Maybe get a tattoo, or five. Maybe dye my hair back to its original color".

"You want to go back to dirty blonde?"

"Yeah, I really only dyed my hair because I was trying to hide myself but I think since knowing you, I don't want to hide anymore. I want the world to see me for me".

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart".

"Thank you so much for showing me I can love again and that I shouldn't hide myself from the world."

"You're welcome darling. I knew I picked the right woman. You are my star, my moon and my universe. I can't love anyone else but you".

I braced myself for the taste of his lips against mine but I never felt them.

It was like slow motion, the sound of gun fire, the smell of it. Then pain.

The way my whole body because flames of pain. I look up at Chris and his face is full of shock and he's scared.

I look down and I see blood, I touch the wound with my hand and I pull it away.

It definitely was mine.

I hear Chris's mumbled voice. I tried to focus on him.

His lips, his eyes. Those beautiful eyes. The way they light up when he's happy or looking at me.

"If anything happens to me Chris. I love you with all my heart and soul. I don't wanna leave you but I can barely hear what you're saying but I know you love me too".

I see his lips moving but I can't hear anything. I'm trying to hold on. He grabs my hand and I see a team of paramedics and the last thing I see is the inside of the ambulance before I shut my eyes.

SLOW DANCE (Chris Evans) Completed Where stories live. Discover now