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"Wake up sweetheart, we gotta get up for the appointment".

I kiss the top of her head and gently pull the covers off of her.

"No, please?"

"Kitten, we get to see our baby".

"But I'm tired".

"I made breakfast. I looked up what I think is safe and made you that".

"Can you pick my clothes out. I'm so lazy".

"I can do that. I'll even help you get dressed".

"I love you Chris".

"Love you too babygirl".

I kissed her forehead and got out clothes for her. She still laid in bed. I smiled and crawled in next to her.

"Sweetheart, we gotta get up. I promise we can stay in bed tomorrow and we can cuddle all day if you want".


She slowly gets up to get dressed and I kiss her forehead when she's done. We walk downstairs and I make her sit and eat then she brushes her teeth.

We get into the car and we're on the way to the doctors. We check in and take a seat waiting for us to go back.

"I'm nervous babes".

"I'll be right here okay. I'm sure the baby's fine".

"Luna Kennedy?"

I grab her hand as we walk back to the office.

"I just need you to sit up here and pull up your shirt just a bit".

I help her get up and I feel her grab my hand.

"I'm right here. I'm gonna be here forever. Remember that okay".

The sound of gloves snapping made me look up and the monitor turned on.

"The gel is warm okay so you shouldn't feel anything okay?"

Luna nodded as the bottle was held above her stomach. Then the wand was moved onto her stomach and I could feel my eyes begin to water.

That was our baby. I was going to be a dad, it still hadn't settled in.

"There's your baby and it definitely looks healthy at this time for it being so soon. And looking at the medical history I don't think there should be any issues but I suggest all my patients with prenatal vitamins and a healthy diet. But I know there's sometimes no helping that. I'll have one of the nurses set up the next appointment while I go and get the pictures".

The doctor left and Luna looks at me in tears. I leaned down and kissed her.

"This still hasn't kicked in yet but it's actually happening. We're gonna be parents like an actual baby of ours is in here. I'm going to be a mommy. I'm gonna get so fat".

"Hey now none of that crap. You're gonna be glowing and beautiful and I'll even take pictures and we can start a book for the baby. You're gonna be amazing".

"How the hell did I get so lucky though".

I moved her legs aside to gently lean down and kiss her lips softly then her forehead.

"The real question is how did I get so lucky".

"Here you go all the pictures and the nurse set up a date. You two are all good to go".

We left the doctors and held hands in the car going back to my house. Promising to cuddle and binge watch all day.

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