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After the shower we got out and actually put clothes on. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and looked around for anything that looked good or decent enough to eat.

I really need to go grocery shopping eventually.

Chris walks in and he looks sad.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I just got a call and I was asked to do another film, but I can't take you with me".

"Chris, it's okay. I'll be here and you just do what you're good at".

"Once I can I'm having you come to Boston and I want you to meet my family".

"I'd love to Chris. Now how many days do we have left til you leave?"

"Three I believe".

We're going to make the most of those days then okay".

"I'd love that".

"Now what should we do?"

"Well how about grocery shopping because it looks like you don't have much in here".

"Grocery shopping it is".

"Want one of my hats dear?"


"I think it's actually cold outside for once here", I laugh.

"Want one of my sweaters?" Chris asked as he yelled from the bedroom.

"Hell yes. I love your sweaters babe. It's like a hug and it'll be plenty big. And I can wear my leggings and boots."

"Sounds like a plan".

I walked into the bedroom and Chris has his jeans on and no shirt. I just stare at him in all his glorious body, abs and muscles and just him.

"See something you like?" He smirks.

"Oh yes I do, but I don't want to miss our trip to the grocery store. I have to stock up on a lot so I won't have to go for a while and since we've both been snacking."

"We've had so much junk food and take out. My trainer is gonna make me work out so much when I get back."

"Dude your metabolism is still good, you'll burn it off. Besides I think you would still would look good with a belly".

"Well, I appreciate that babe".

"Besides, if you haven't noticed we've been having a lot of sex and that burns off calories too.".

"You're right, maybe I found my regular work out regime."

"But you have to leave in a few days".

"Well I promise when I can I'll send you a ticket and then you can be my work out and my stress reliever".


"We should really get to the store before I rip your clothes off because my hat and sweater make you even sexier."

"How I don't understand. This thing swallows me up".

"Because it's on you and you're always sexy".

"Yeah we need to go. Down boy. Maybe later when we have the food put up and I make diner".


We eventually make it to the store and Chris makes it fun. We're in Walmart so you can imagine how that went.

I'm happy that we have our hats on and because we acted like complete idiots. But we didn't care. Plus we planned on no junk food but that's what we got among other things.

We even found the mirrors and took a pic with me kissing his cheek.

"This is the best grocery shopping trip ever", I said as I hugged him.

"I don't wanna leave you in Florida while I'm in who knows where".

"It'll be okay".

"Will it though?"

"It'll be hard because I'm spoiled with you. I'd take all your time if I could. But, we know that's not possible. So I'll take what I can get with the time I have".

"I love you so much".

"Me too Chris. More than anything. I honestly think I've only meant when I say I love you to you that I mean it. You're amazing and I love all the deep conversations we can have. It's not just about sex. Like it's about the universe and all that and that's all I've ever wanted. To be something to someone. And I'm scared I'm gonna lose you one day but I'll always remember all this".

"Luna Kennedy, you will never lose me. I'm scared I'm gonna lose you. With what I do, I've lost people because I've made promises and I've tried to keep them but something happened. And I felt worthless".

"Chris Evans, you won't lose me. I know you're doing what you love and I'll always support that. I love you sweetheart, too much to let something like that ruin what we have. I've wanted you for so long. You're not losing me."

"I'm so damn glad you're in my life".

"Me too baby. Now how about we finish our shopping and go back to mine and I'll fix a favorite meal of yours or something".

"I'd love that babe".

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