a fashion disaster

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ALMONDS AND APPLES. That was the aroma Wendy could smell as she was starting to awaken. She carefully moved around, but the headache feeling, she was expecting to have, was not there. In its place there was just exhaustion—like she slept for far too long.

At that thought, she stood right up. She had a conference call to take in the early morning, she couldn't stay in bed! But as she stood right up a wave of dizziness came straight through her. Her hair messy and knot together in her face didn't allow her to see her sorroundings, nor the woman that spoke to her.

"What are you doing?!" The unknown voice said.

Wendy wondered why would there be a woman in her house but two hands pushed her back to bed, and the contact of the cozy sheet made her fall right back to sleep.

As soon as Wendy got her senses back, she could smell different aromas. Peppermint and chocolate. She tried to open her eyes but her vision was blurry. It was dark, but she began to see lights from the windows in front of her. It was early morning—she thought.

"You're awake."

Wendy stiffened at the voice, and looked at her right, where there was a boy. Just a teenager. She was too drowsy to process any information but the first thing she saw was the uncommon look.

"I was wondering how long you were gonna stay there—felt comfy?" He said again.

Wendy was in shock, who was this child and why was he talking to her in such manner? Didn't people of his age had decency?

She looked around, ignoring him, and she found herself in an unfamiliar place. There were beds lined up, what seemed to be a recovery room. Pretty rustic, but it gave her a feeling of cozy. She looked at down at her and she found herself with a weird simple white dress.

"Your clothes are by the side of your bed." The boy pointed at the other side where there were her clothes folded neatly with her bag beside them, "they were wet so we had to clean them up."

She grabbed her clothes and walked behind the first curtains she saw, to hide from the boy, and began changing into them. A weird feeling of unfamiliarity came to her as she was to put her blazer on. Wendy looked at herself in the mirror and all her clothes fitted her differently.

Her blouse, unlike before, was baggy and didn't do anything for her form. Her pants were a tad longer as she stepped onto them, and her blazer looked exactly like when she would wear her mother's clothes. They were unusually bigger.

"What have you done to my clothes?" She asked the boy.

"Nothing—you know? You should wear clothes that fit you, you should be ashamed for wearing such clothes." He said.

Wendy was a bit offended by his words. How dare he? She was Wendy Moira Angela Stone, didn't he notice? She had a whole line of clothes with her name and he dared saying she didn't have fashion sense?

She looked at him closely now. had a peculiar colour of hair, were kids allowed to die their hair at such age? He was wearing clothes she never saw before. Long and dark, what seemed to be cloak. The kinds kids for Halloween used. What kind of joke was he on about? His face was young, a teenager, but the looks of a strained life was upon his face.

"This is a uniform, nothing that I have to do with." He stated after seeing how she was looking at him from head to toe.

"Surely." She stated sarcastically.

"Oh, so she's awake now." A new voice said.

The two looked towards the entrance of the big room, an old looking man walking towards them, he had the longest white beard Wendy has ever see anyone have and the weirdest clothes ever. With him there was a lady, she wore her clothes neatly and her hair clean. She had a long black dress that followed the whole theme everyone was wearing. Was it a Halloween party?

"Good morning, dear." The man said sweetly, just like any grandfather would. Seeing him, the boy she was with before, bowed his head slightly as the older man passed by him.

"Good morning, sir." She replied not knowing what else to say, thinking she should have bowed her head too for respect.

"What is your name?" The stern looking woman asked.

"W-Wendy..." She answered not knowing if she was supposed to give her a full answer.

Seeing the hesitation of the girl, the old man interrupted her, "Hello Wendy—I'm professor Dumbledore, it is a great pleasure to meet you."

"And I am professor Minerva McGonagall." The woman introduced herself speaking each syllable clearly.

Wendy then looked at the boy with them, kind of expecting him to say something too, but he just stared back at her. The two older ones followed Wendy's gaze and stared at the young boy as well.

The boy slightly rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat, "Draco—Draco Malfoy."

Wendy looked at the three one after the other. Those names were way too familiar for her, and she shot a glance at her bag to see if the book she was reading earlier was visible from where she was standing. The black and white drawing of Harry and his companions on the cover of the last Harry Potter book showed slightly as it peaked from her bag. Dumbledore followed her gaze as it fell on the book.

"That book of yours," Dumbledore started, "is quite interesting. Didn't want to read it, of course—" He chuckled like it was an obvious joke. Panic came over Wendy, she wasn't sure of what to do. There were two options, this was all a very elaborate and quite expensive joke or she bumped her head too hard. "You know... Spoilers." He whispered to her.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat getting everyone's attention, "May I suggest we give Miss Wendy some more fitting clothes, instead?"

"Any clothes would be better than those." Draco said eying on her.

"You have no respect for those older than you, do you?" She shot at him only to get a confused look from the three.


"A simple 'sorry' won't cut it. You, boy, need to learn that every human being has to be respected and even more those who come before you. I might not be an elderly, but compared to you, I still am older and therefore I demand a bit of respect and dignity!"

Dumbledore gave her a sympathetic look, already knowing what was going on, as Minerva was just getting there.

"Yeah," Draco simply scoffed, "older by a month probably."

"What do you mean 'by a month'?" She asked.

Draco grabbed a mirror from the side table and shot it right at her face. She took the mirror as she saw the image of a young girl, in her teens. That was the image of herself when she was thirteen years old.

She moved her hair, blinked more times than necessary, pulled the mirror farther and closer, but nothing was changing the image. Nothing that would make it seem like she wasn't a teenager. Upon that realization she walked over the bigger mirror. Her height was slightly shorter, which explained the pants, her face bright and young just like it did before she fully hit puberty. Her body and overall form was completely different from what she could remember and her hair was back to the long curls she had before she decided to cut it when she was eighteen.

If that were a joke made by someone, the special effects and make up were terrifyingly good.

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