what truly happened that faithful night

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WENDY PACKED HER BAGS AND with a heavy sigh she grabbed her wand and headed out. Everyone was outside saying their final goodbyes to their new friends. It was time for the Beauxbatons Academy and the Durmstrang Institute to leave and head to their respective homes. 

It was quite an eventful year and Wendy knew that was just the start of it all. She said her farewell to Fleur and Gabrielle, and promised them to write them letters. She never got too close with Viktor Krum but she still wished Krum good luck with his future, before he left to say goodbye to Hermione.

She looked up in the sky, where the Beauxbatons flew across in their majestic carriage, thankful for so much more than just having met new friends, but to have kept the ones she had.

"Is there ever going to be a quiet year here at Hogwarts?" Ron asked in a chuckle.

Wendy looked over at the boy and let a laugh out too. Harry and Hermione stood beside Ron and laughed with her. She didn't feel guilty anymore about disturbing the balance of the Golden Trio. She had changed so much already about the story, such a little detail didn't bother her anymore and apart from that, the three wouldn't just let her leave their group so easily after all the things they've been through.

"Nothing is going to be the same anymore, isn't it?" Hermione asked in a sigh.

Ron, Harry, and Wendy looked at each other in defeat and sighed with her. Harry, with a new found courage, stepped towards the girl and gave her a reassuring smile.

"No," he said honestly.

And he was right. Nothing was ever going to be the same. Hermione studied the boy, she searched for a sign he was lying, but she knew better. With a bitter smile she sighed once more and changed topic.

"Promise me you'll write," she looked at her friends, "all of you."

The two boys laughed soundly, "absolutely!" Ron said sarcastically.

Hermione looked at Harry, "every week!"

Shaking her head she looked at her last hope, Wendy, "Noir will be visiting you all the time!"

Hermione couldn't do anything but sigh in defeat.

"Wendy will have to write you!" Fred appeared out of nowhere.

"Because she won't have anyone else to write to," George continued.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"She'll be staying at the Burrow this Summer," Fred said with a grin, "so she only has you, Harry, and Cedric to write to."

"Excus—" Wendy began but was cut short by Ron.

"Is that true?!" He asked her, as if she had any idea either.

"I never ag—" she started explaining.

"But I did," Michael jumped in, "Mrs. Weasley insisted, after finding out we had no home to go to."

"And we're not letting you stay at the Manor another Summer!" Fred and George said firmly.

"Great!" Ginny butted in out of nowhere, "finally a girl I can spend time with!"

"But—" Wendy tried once more.

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