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The past couple days Louis has been writing in a journal. A few days prior Harry gave him the journal to write down whenever he was feeling that day. Harry stated that he wouldn't read it unless Louis wanted him to. Louis gave him the journal to read a few times. During those times the entries were a bit dark mostly about Ian and how he's seen him in his dreams.

But recently the entries have been changing from Ian to Harry.


Ian hasn't been appearing in my dreams at night. I've been able to sleep more peacefully without him terrorizing me while I slept. My mornings have been better. Every morning I eat more than I did while I was with Ian he barley fed me anything. Harry feeds me delicious breakfasts. Some of the things he makes I never heard off like French toast, what even is that. He says it's a delicious meal. I take his word for it. That's all for now journal


Sorry for neglecting you journal it's been a while since I last wrote you. Harry says I didn't neglect you I just abandoned you by leaving you alone on my night stand. Personally journal I think he's right. I'm sorry again, I have a update for you journal. Harry says the holiday to Paris is sooner than later. I've never been outside the country. I'm excited to leave this gloomy place. The cold makes it worse. This weather reminds me of my past dark, cold, and sad. That's all for now journal.

Louis placed the journal on the night stand next to him. The room he was in was quiet to his liking. He enjoyed the quiet moments he had with his journal. He also enjoyed the moments he had with Harry. Louis felt Harry understood him, like no one else did. He smiled down at his journal as he wrote out his feelings towards Harry.


Harry makes me feel like I'm an actual person. He's a angel in human form. What he does for people is a great thing. Even though he sometimes gets depressed about clients he still is the angelic person I've come to know. At the end of the day he still is happy with his life. Unlike me who wants to end it but whenever I see him he changes my perspective on my life. Him and Evie are the best things in my life at the moment. That's all for now journal.

Louis continues to write in his journal when the door opened. Harry came into the room to put some clothes away. He didn't even notice him walk in until he sat down next to him. He didn't say anything he just watched him write in his journal. Evie joined them as she sat down on his lap. Harry ran his hand down her fur coat.

The three of them stayed like that for a good hour. Louis was done writing when he looked up towards him. "Hey" Louis said. "We're you deep in your thoughts" Harry asked. Louis nodded with a close of his journal. "I was" Louis said. "What were you thinking about" Harry asked.

"How you saved me" Louis said.

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