The Nightmare

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Chapter 20

Stiles called me once he got home after his father had made sure he was okay. I had retreated to my room once I got home, not in the mood to talk with my mother. She tried to stop me, but once I closed my door, I could make out the sigh she lets out.

Stiles and I talked about what happened.

I told him everything. From the Alpha forcing me to unshift and Scott to shifting. Scott attacking me. The conversation I had with the Alpha, which I got creeped out recalling it. Something about it calling me princess made my skin crawl. Then ending the recap with the pain I felt when it hit me.

"Now my mom wants to talk," I sighed into the phone, "She wants the truth..."

"I think you should tell her," he offered, "We need someone on our side now. She might be able to cover for us."

"I am not getting my mother stressed about this, Stiles!" I whisper yelled, "She's already thinking about either letting Samuel move in or have us move. This will only cause her to pick the latter!"

"Wait, what!?" he exclaimed, "How do you know that?"

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, "I heard her talking to Samuel about it over the phone... She was very admin on having us stay, but this might make her agree with Samuel..."

"Why move thou!?" he asked, worried about me leaving him.

I shook my head, "Something about Samuel wanting to stay as a director at his current hospital... I don't know. All I do know is that I am in huge trouble with no way out of this..."

"Maybe I should come by tomorrow," he offered, "We can talk to her about it. She knows that I know about you. You don't have to be alone with this."

I smiled at the sweet gesture.

"I would love that," I answered him, "Come by with flowers, that would get brownie points with her."

"Marigolds," Stiles stated, "Got it."

I laughed.

Stiles has always known how to help me. Even when he never knew about my secret, he always knew I needed it. Like I need him now. This conversation can either make or break everything, but having Stiles alongside me for the ride, caused my mind to relax.

"Goodnight, babe," I fell back onto my pillows.

He laughed, "Good night, baby girl. I'll see you later."

Stiles and I hung up.

I just looked up to my star-covered ceiling. After a moment to think, I moved to the light switch as I filled the room with darkness, all but the stars. I smiled as I slowly leaned back on my bed. Getting under my covers, I allowed the stars to lull me to sleep.


I was breathing too hard. My legs feel like they are burning like my lungs. As much as I looked around me, all I could see was the preserves. The same ones I tend to take jogs to clear my mind. This time I wasn't jogging for the hell of it. No. I was running for my like or that's how it felt like. I didn't know why I just knew. Like a sensor in my brain telling me to run for my life. Just like how I felt when I was running away from the Alpha with Scott and Stiles.

Something slashed at my ankles, making me collapse to the dirt ground in pain. I let out a small cry as I held my now bleeding ankle. The cut was deep, but I can feel it healing as quickly as it came. A growl around me brought goosebumps to raise all throughout my body.

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