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I woke up with a weird feeling inside me, when I sat up on the bed a rush of sickness hit me making me run to the bathroom puking.
Yoongi: baby are you alright?
He asked pulling my hair behind my ears.
Y/n: yeah I'm ok. I don't know what that was
I got up off the floor going to brush my teeth
Yoongi: maybe from what happened last night
I nodded to him brushing my teeth. I have never been sick like that before I really want to know what's wrong. But I just push it aside going back into the bedroom seeing yoongi laying there with only his boxers on. I crawl into the bed next to him cuddling up to his warm chest.
Yoongi: you feel better?
He looked down at me with questioning eyes.
Y/n: yes, you make me feel better just being with you.
I said reaching up to kiss his lips, then cuddling back into him. We laid there for a little while until we had to get up to go to training.
Yoongi: if you don't feel well enough to train today you can stay here and rest.
He said getting dressed in front of the bed.
Y/n: are you sure?
He nods his head coming to sit by me
Yoongi: yes I'm the alpha and I say you can and your also the Luna, remember that.
He kissed my forehead and my lips.
Y/n: got it I'll remember lol
He walks out the door to go train the betas and deltas. I would like to go train the pups but I don't want my sickness to get worse if I actually am getting sick. It's been a couple of hours since yoongi left and I have thrown up about five more times. I can feel yoongis worry through our mind link but he can't leave training, mostly because I told him I'm fine and for him to stay. He should be done in an hour or so anyway. I'm just watching tv waiting for him to come home, when suddenly my door opened
Braiden: hey y/n how are you feeling?
She walks over to me sitting on the bed
Y/n: I'm ok, how did you know I wasn't feeling good?
Braiden: alpha asked me to come check on you.
She said with a smile. I just nodded feeling sick again. I ran to the bathroom and for the 50th time today I've thrown up.
Braiden: are you sure your ok?
She walks into the bathroom handing me a wash cloth.
Y/n: I don't know what's wrong with me I've been throwing up all day. It's getting old and annoying.
I stood up going to wash out my mouth.
Braiden: did you and yoongi do anything last night?
She asked hinting at if me and yoongi had sex.
Y/n: yes, but what does that have to do with this?
I'm confused as to why this is relevant to me being sick.
Braiden: y/n you might be pregnant
My eyes widened turning around to her shaking my head
Y/n: no way it would be way to soon to know.
Braiden: your a werewolf not a human. Which means pregnancy goes by way quicker than a normal one remember. Also your an original, one of the last ones who's mate happens to be the other original. It's about time you creat another one.
Y/n: can you look in the cabinet under the sick, there should be a test down there.
I point at the cabinet as she goes and grabs it. She finds it handing it to me
Y/n: I'm scared
Braiden: it will be alright just go take it
I nod going into the bathroom peeing on the test and waiting for the results.
Three minutes later
When it's time I flip over the test nervously seeing "pregnant."

His Luna (yoongi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now