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When we got to the cells yoongi walked in front of me to go inside but I grabbed his arm to stop him.
Yoongi: what is it?
Y/n: you stay out here. I'll go in alone
Yoongi: what no!
I placed my had on his cheek looking into his eyes
Y/n: I'm doing this alone
He let out a low growl loud enough for me to hear it. He's not happy with my words at all.
Y/n: if you go in with me and he says something wrong you'll tear him apart then and there. And don't say you won't because you will.
Yoongi: fine but if anything happens call me, I'll be right out here
I nod at him walking into the cells. As I walk in I see Jackson laying against the wall and Bam Bam in the cell next to him.
Jackson: look who came to say hello
He smirked looking up at me.
Bam Bam: are you ok y/n?
His face full of concern like he really cares. I look over at him expressionless.
Y/n: why do you care? You let him do everything he did, so don't act like you care!
He looked down thinking carefully about his next words.
Bam Bam: he's my friend, I won't betray him
Y/n: your friendship is more important than the life of your Luna?
Bam Bam: he's the only one I have
Jackson: before I came to the pack he had no friends. When I met him he was alone so I became his friend. He had no other friends only me. Without me he will be alone again, with no one.
Bam Bam: I can't be alone y/n, not again.
Y/n: you know he killed my pup. The future of this pack, he took it away. Just like how he killed yoongi's parents. Did you know that?
He didn't say anything only looked down at the ground not making eye contact. Jackson had a smug look on his face smirking at Bam Bam.
Jackson: of course he knew, he helped me do it.
My eyes widened looking from Jackson to Bam Bam.
Y/n: you did what!!?
Bam Bam: he told me about his plan and why he wanted revenge. At first I was hesitant but I thought it was the right thing to do for a friend. So I helped him kill the alpha and Luna. I kept watch as he did it, and when people suspected anything about Jackson doing it I would tell them he was with me and he was innocent. Me being a trusted pack member they didn't have anymore questions about it and left him alone.
Y/n: you know what.. I came here to see if you could make me think about sparing your life instead of dying for Jackson! But I guess your just as evil as he is! So enjoy dying together, I'm sure it's what you wanted!
My patience is running thin, if I stay another second I would kill them both on the spot with no remorse. I walk towards the exit of the cell block not wanting to spend another minute with them.
Jackson: hey y/n how's the baby- oh's dead.
He laughed as I stopped walking, my eyes turning red ready to rip him apart. I turn to run to him but someone stops me by wrapping their arms around me.
Yoongi: calm down baby, see who's trying to tear them apart now?
He pulls me out of the cells and away from Jackson.
Y/n: let me go I need to kill them!!
I yelled trying to get out of his grip but he was to strong.
Yoongi: y/n stop!
He turns me around looking into my eyes instantly calming me down.
Y/n: I'm ok
Yoongi: what happened?
I look down not knowing if I should tell him now or not, but he has a right to know how his parents really died.
Y/n: I want you to set the execution for tomorrow at night fall.
Yoongi: ok?
Y/n: I also have something to tell you but I want to tell you at home, Not here.
He nods grabbing my hand leading me home. I really hope he doesn't do something stupid when I tell him.

His Luna (yoongi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now