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Y/n: you do understand I'm at an alpha rank
BamBam: and...your still just the Luna, that's it.
Low gasps come from everyone around as Yoongi growls loud enough for us to hear but I wasn't letting it go.
Y/n: you respect your Luna not pick fights with it
My patience is running thin right about now. But he keeps on pushing.
BamBam: how about this I'll respect you when you beat me
Y/n: fine
Yoongi growls loud scaring everyone but me.
He comes up to me looking into my eyes then to my stomach not wanting to say it out loud because we haven't announced it yet. I did forget I was pregnant for a second but I can handle myself.
Y/n: I'm fine Yoongi he can't hurt me, remember I'm a way higher rank than him.
*mind like*
Y/n: baby I'm an original werewolf he can't hurt me.
Yoongi: I don't care I don't want you in any danger.
I could sense he's worried so I put my hand on his cheek.
Y/n: your right here if anything happens you will step in. I have to show them I'm not a weak Luna.
Yoongi: this could hurt the baby. I can't let that happen.
Y/n: he's not going to rich me it the our pup, I wouldn't put myself in that situation. Trust me I got this.
*turn off mind link*
He was hesitant for a second before nodding his head still not happy about it.
Yoongi: if he hurts you in any way he's dead meat.
I nod turning towards BamBam as Yoongi leaves the circle. But stays close enough to make sure I'm alright.
Y/n: let's get this over with
He smirks circling me like a piece of meat he just caught. Charging at me at full speed I grab his arm twisting it around his back pinning him to the ground. Trying to get up he flips us around so he's pinning me but I'm smarter than he is. When he isn't paying attention I knee him in the balls pushing him off of me pinning him down again. This time both his arms twisted behind his back and his face pushed up against the dirt.
Y/n: who's the stronger one now you idiot.
I let go of him getting up dusting myself off.
Y/n: next time learn to stay in your place.
I turn to walk away towards a smiling Yoongi when I stop and turn back to BamBam.
Y/n: oh and one more thing...your now a low rank beta. I'm giving haechan your spot as the high rank beta.
With that I turn around walking to Yoongi.
Yoongi: are you ok? Are you hurt?
He checks my body for injuries.
Y/n: yoongi I'm fine. Like I said he didn't even get close to the baby.
I said taking his hands in mine looking at his brown eyes.
Y/n: can we go home now I'm tired?
He picks me up bridal style walking back home. Once we get home I take a shower and put on one of yoongis black sweatshirts. He is laying in bed with just black sweatpants on watching me pull his sweatshirt over my head. I crawl into the bed laying my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.
Yoongi: how's our little pup doing?
He asked rubbing my belly lightly. I can see how excited he is to have a child, someone who's apart of you with no exceptions.
Y/n: its doing fine baby
I rub my hands through his hair watching him close his eyes.
Yoongi: do you want a boy or a girl?
He asked with a light sleepy voice that I find adorable.
Y/n: I want a girl. What do you want?
Yoongi: I don't really care, either way I'll be happy. I want a boy so I can teach him how to be an alpha like me but I want a girl so I can baby her and call her my little princess.
He's literally going to be the sweetest dad alive.
Y/n: your going to be a great dad
He looks at me with a smile
Yoongi: your going to be a great mom
I kiss his lips laying my head on his chest falling asleep to the thought of him holding our little pup.

His Luna (yoongi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now