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Yoongi: are you feeling better?
Y/n: I'm fine
I say with no emotion on my face.
Yoongi: hey, don't be like that
He said sitting down next to me on our bed that he carried me too after the meeting.
Yoongi: I know your upset but don't take it out on me.
Y/n: I'm not trying to, I just can't get my thoughts straight.
Yoongi: then let them out, tell me about it so your not alone. I'm your mate, I can sense that your uneasy.
I look up at him seeing concern in his eyes. Trust me I want to tell him but I don't want to start crying again. I feel like that's all I have been doing is crying.
Y/n: if I tell you I'll start crying again and I'm tired of crying. It makes me feel weak.
Yoongi: your not weak, your my Luna
Y/n: yeah a weak Luna that can't even understand her own feelings!
I yell getting off the bed standing in front of him.
Yoongi: y/n pleas-
Y/n: no! You wanna know what I'm thinking about fine. I'm thinking about how you died ok. Every detail and sound replays in my brain over and over again and when we had the meeting and he mentioned the original month it all flooded my head at once. Reminding me that my dream could be true, you die in front of me and I can't do anything about it.
I let it all out everything that has been bothering me. He just sat there listening with a blank expression on his face.
Yoongi: y/n I'm not dying I've told you that.
Y/n: lets hope your right because if you die I might as well be dead too.
I say walking out of the door leaving him behind. I need time to think about things, I feel bad for yelling and getting upset but it feels like no one is taking this seriously. Yes, I understand that it was a dream and dreams aren't real but that doesn't mean that something similar couldn't happen, and that's what I'm afraid of. I walk into the forest to clear my head a little bit and since I can't shift into my wolf I site down against a tree closing my eyes taking in the fresh air. Yoongi keeps trying to break down the wall I put up but I keep it up. I can feel his worry through our bond because I'm not in town and he can't smell my scent. I'm gonna go back but I just need time to think a little bit. I sat there for a while until I smelt something I don't recognize. Quickly I open my eyes looking around the trees and bushes as I get up onto my feet. I couldn't see anything so I walk around the tree I was sitting against to only be scared to death.
Y/n: damnit Felix what the hell!! You scared me!
I yell giving him a glare.
Felix: sorry but yoongi is mad that your not answering so I came to find you.
Y/n: of course he is. Let's go
We start walking back into town but I still could help have this feeling that we're being watched.
Felix: are you ok y/n? You look bothered.
Y/n: do you feel like we are being watched?
I stopped walking just staring at him as he looks around.
Felix: you feel it too? I thought it was just me.
Y/n: yeah I feel it
Felix: lets get to the house quickly.
I nod and we continue our way back at a slightly faster speed than before. When we get to the house I look back to the forest seeing a black figure move behind some trees.
Y/n: Felix did you-
I got cut off by yoongi coming out of the house wrapping his arms around me.
Yoongi: why did you block me out? You could have been in danger!
Y/n: I needed to breath and think alone
Yoongi: that's fine just please don't turn off our link
Y/n: ok I won't
I hug him back then pull away telling Felix goodbye.
Y/n: bye Felix thank you
He gave me a slight smile then looked at yoongi.
Yoongi: thank you Felix
Felix: no problem alpha
Yoongi: call me yoongi
Felix: ok..yoongi

His Luna (yoongi x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora