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(A week later)
Y/n: yoongi it's been a week since the meeting and we haven't done anything.
Yoongi: what are we supposed to do?
Y/n: oh I don't know, how about we search for Bam Bam!
I raised my voice a little bit forgetting that I'm talking to an alpha.
Yoongi: dont raise your voice at me y/n!
Y/n: I won't when you do something! You heard what alpha said during the meeting! Activity going outside their borders just like Mr. Kim's. Do you really think it's a coincidence?
He took a deep breath calming himself down before looking at me in the eyes.
Yoongi: what do you want me to say, huh? That everyday that gets closer to your due date more unexpected things are happening!? First the activity outside the borders then Bam Bam escaping! What do you want me to do!
His voice raised at me as his eyes change to their alpha red.
Y/n: I want you to finally except the fact that my dream could actually be coming true! Which means there are vampires out there looking for us!
Yoongi: you don't know that for sure!
Y/n: you know what fine don't do anything! I'll go find Felix and talk to him since he's the only one who listens to me!
I turn around walking out of the room when yoongi grabs my arm pushing me against the door.
Yoongi: your not going anywhere! Your staying with me!
He growled sticking his head into my neck.
Y/n: let go of me yoongi! I don't want to talk to you right now!
Yoongi: so your just gonna go run off and be around another male wolf, one who isn't your MATE!
I swear to god his jealousy seriously needs to stop. Does he seriously think that I would love another wolf more than him?
Y/n: is that what you think of me? That I would go and be with another wolf.
He raised his head from my neck looking at me with a serious expression but I could see the guilt building in his eyes.
Yoongi: isn't that where you were going? Leaving me here alone without you.
Y/n: yoongi I'm not leaving you alright! I'm pregnant with your pup and your my mate. The one I will love no matter what! I just need time to think and talk to someone, Felix is a good listener so I'm going to talk to him.
I said pushing him off of me going over to the door to leave.
Yoongi: please don't go. I need you.
Y/n: I need to clear my head and so do you. I'll be back later.
With that I walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I feel bad for leaving him like that but he needs to calm down and I need to leave before I say something I'll regret. As I walk out of the house I look over at the forest only to see the black figure standing against a tree. I should tell yoongi right? It's too dangerous for me to do this! Before I could do anything the figure starts to walk off without a word. You know what fuck it! I ran into the forest following the black figure not even realizing that someone was calling out my name. Getting deeper into the woods I lost track of the figure but I could still smell someone around. A sound of a branch braking behind me makes me turn around to find the black figure standing there.
Y/n: who are you? What do you want?
I asked trying to sound confident even though I'm not at all. I should mind link yoongi to help.
*yeah that's a good idea you should have thought of that before!*
Shut up shadow this is not the time! Oh yeah shadow is my wolf, she's annoying so I keep her in the back of my head most of the time.
*can you stop calling me annoying and call our mate please! The person is getting closer to us*
Oh yeah right person, wow pregnancy brain is really something. Quickly I took down the wall between us and mind link him.
Mind link
Y/n: yoongi help!!
In no time he immediately answered me.
Yoongi: what's wrong what's going on!?
Y/n: there's a black figure in the forest and he-
I couldn't finish what I was saying because everything went dark.

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