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Tears are coming out of my eyes as I walk out to tell Braiden.
Braiden: what's it say?
I turn the test over showing her the positive pregnancy test.
Braiden: omg this is great!
She hugs me tight as I cry on her shoulder. I'm happy, really happy actually I'm just very emotional.
Y/n: I need to call the girls here to tell them.
* mind link *
Y/n: lexi, jisoo, Jennie, rose
All: yes y/n
Y/n: can you come over please its very important
Jisoo: of course were on our way
I turn off the mind link and wait with Braiden for them to come. It's been about ten minutes and I hear running coming up the stairs and see the door fly open.
Lexi: we're here what happened
She said trying to catch her breath.
Y/n: wow you guys are acting like I'm dying
Jennie: you said it was important so we ran as fast as we could.
Rose: so what's the important thing and why do you look like you have been crying?
I take out the pregnancy test and show them. All of their faces light up with huge grins and tackle me in hugs.
Jennie: I can't believe your finally going to have a pup.
Y/n: I know I'm so excited. I just wish my mom and dad were here to see their grandchild.
I started to tear up again when jisoo pulled me into a hug.
Jisoo: don't worry about that ok, your parents are so proud of you and the wolf you have become. I'm sure they would have loved them and yoongi.
Y/n: thank you jisoo.
Lexi: when are you telling yoongi?
Y/n: when he gets home, which should be any minute now. I'm scared
Rose: why he's going to love it
Y/n: what if he's not ready for a pup yet
Braiden: he is trust me, because if he didn't he wouldn't have mated with you.
Y/n: your right, so how should I tell him?
Lexi: what if you leave the test laying out for him to find. When he finds it he will be so surprised.
I smiled liking the plane. We finished the plane when we heard the front door open and shut along with foot steps running to the room.
Yoongi: baby are you feeling ok?
He comes through the door stopping when he sees all the girls with me.
Yoongi: oh hi girls
Jennie: hi alpha, we stayed with y/n to make sure she was doing better, and she is.
He comes over to the bed sitting next to me.
Yoongi: that's good.
Gives me a kiss on the head and goes into the bathroom to wash up. The pregnancy test is in there waiting for him to find it.
Rose: what do you thin-
She gets cut off but a door bursting open.
He yells holding up the test in his hand. I get up off the. Ed walking over to him nodding my head.
Y/n: it's not a joke baby. I'm pregnant, that's why I'm throwing up all the time.
There is the biggest smile on his face ever hearing that I'm having his pup. He picks me up spinning me around laying kisses all over my face.
Jennie: were gonna go bye.
They leave giving us some time alone.
Yoongi: I can't believe it I'm gonna be a dad.
Y/n: it's not just any regular baby though. It's going to be an original. We're starting our own species back up again.
I wrap my arms around his neck giving him a little kiss. He goes down to my stomach kissing it.
Yoongi: be good for mommy and don't put her in too much pain alright. I can't wait to meet you little wolf.
This is the sweetest thing I have ever seen in my life.
Y/n: I love you yoongi
Yoongi: I love you too
He comes up to my face giving me a kiss and taking me to lay down on the bed to get some rest.

His Luna (yoongi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now