Chapter 1. Moving

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WARNING: Let me start by saying this book SUCKS! It is the first book that I ever wrote. A select few people like it, which is why I'm keeping it on Wattpad. This story is very fast-paced and cliche with mistakes. If you came to troll it get out of here. I'm tired of defending myself on this story. 

Amelia's POV

My mother wants to move to Atlanta! She is actually losing her mind! I understand better job opportunities, but we have lived in Reidsville all my life!

I've got one year of school left, and instead of letting me finish in my hometown, she is making me finish in Atlanta. There are five million people in Atlanta, and Reidsville has two thousand people.

It's Sunday, tomorrow is the last day of school, and I am going to have to tell my friends and boyfriend that I am moving in two weeks. I walk back into the kitchen, where my mother sits, drinking her coffee.

"Mom, can I borrow the car for a couple of hours? I want to go see Marcus. I have to tell him what is going on," I mutter.

"Sure, honey, but not too late, you're going to have to start packing soon." She actually sounds excited, which makes me even more nervous. She smiles at me warmly in hopes that I am going to like Atlanta. I grabbed the keys off the hook and headed to the garage. My mother and I have to share a car since I was still trying to save money for my own vehicle. My mom's Red Chevy Equinox is nice.

I got in and headed over to Marcus's place, which is five miles out of Reidsville. He lives on a beautiful ranch. I've always enjoyed going out there and riding horses and looking at the scenery. It was so unbelievable.

I pull up the driveway and noticed that My friend Ava's car was parked out here. Okay, this is weird. I get out of my car, trying to be quiet. I'm not exactly sure why I am feeling so sick to my stomach right now, but I continue to the back door. Silently I open the back door. I walk through the kitchen as quietly as possible and up the stairs. When I reach the top, I notice Marcus's door is slightly open. I walk towards it. Once I reach the door, I hear Ava.

"Oh my god, Marcus harder!" Ava screams.

"Mm, fuck you like that baby?" Marcus Moans.

I've heard enough. I throw the door open. Straight ahead, I see them in the doggy-style position, him yanking her red hair back, pounding into her with his eyes shut, but hers are wide open. I look her dead in the eye, and she screams.

"Oh shit, Mia!" She screams.

Marcus then opens his eyes and looks at me. His face drops. He jumps away from Ava. Ava quickly covers herself up with a sheet. Marcus puts shorts on.

"Baby, wait, I can explain!" Marcus pleads.

I approach him. "Really, you can explain why you are screwing one of my friends?! I don't even want to fucking hear it! You two can both go fuck yourselves. As a matter of fact, say Cheese!" I put my phone up and snap a picture of the two of them. I run for the door. Marcus runs after me. I throw the door open, hitting him in the nose with it.

Once I'm in my mother's car, I peal out. I dial Emily's number heading in the direction of her house, which is only two miles back down the way I came.

She answers. "Hey girl, what's up?"

"Marcus cheated on me. I am leaving his place now. Are you home?" I choke out.

"What?!" She says worriedly. It takes her a long moment. "I'm home," She adds.

"Okay, I'll be there in two minutes," I tell her. I hang up the phone. I'm driving way too fast, I realize. I breathe deeply in and out and begin to slow the car down.

As I approach Em's place, I see she's sitting on the stairs outside, waiting for me. I jump out of the car as she jumps up from the stairs.

"Mia, what in the hell is going on?" She asks me, looking confused and worried.

"I just caught Ava and Marcus having sex," I choke out.

"What?! Mia, are you sure it was Ava? Why would she do something like this to you? I mean, I knew she had a small crush on Marcus, but I was always under the impression that she liked Ryan Zinc way more."

"She had a crush on Marcus, and I am just now hearing this?! Ugh, you know what, it doesn't even matter," I shrug. "I'm moving to Atlanta. I went over there to tell Marcus. Thank god tomorrow is the last day of school because now I can't wait to get the hell out of this damn town," I sob. I shake my head and begin to walk back towards my car. I lower my head in my hands.

Then I feel Em come to embrace me in a hug. I hug her back.

"I can't believe you are moving. When did you find out? When were you going to tell me? Mia, I am going to miss you so much!" She says sadly.

"I'm sorry I told you like this, Em," I mumble. "I just found out this morning. I was going to tell you today also. Could you maybe call Carey and tell her for me? I'm so not in the mood to even talk to anyone else," I say, leaning out of the hug.

"Yes, of course, I will. If you need help packing, I'm your girl." She smiles.

"I know you are," I chuckle and shake my head. "Thanks, Em. I am gonna miss you." I bring her in for one more hug before I get in my mother's car and drive away. I've been friends with Em, Carey, and Ava for a long time. I'm still in shock that Ava did this to me. I'm in shock that Marcus did this. It feels as though my heart has been ripped from my chest.

As I am driving back to Reidsville, I hear a song come on the radio. I'm on a country station. I love country music. I have never heard this song, but the more I listen to it, I start to connect to it as my current situation. So I turn up the radio and start dancing as I drive home.

Once in the garage, I kill the car and get out. I climb out and walk to the door, which leads into the kitchen.

My mom is still sitting there. She looks up and says. " I didn't expect you to be back that quickly, hon." As she takes in my state, she rushes over to me. " Oh my god, Amelia sweetie, what is the matter? Why are you crying?" she shakes me.

"Marcus cheated on me with Ava. I caught them together. Mom, I don't even wanna talk about this. I wanna go lay down." I wipe the tears away.

"Oh, baby, I am so sorry to hear that. I won't bother you then, but what would you like for supper? Anything special? I'll make it for you," She asks me, concerned.

I walk away, shaking my head. "No, really, mom, thanks anyway. I just wanna go lay down." I get to the living room entrance. I stop, turn around and find mom still watching me. I smile at her. "Mom, I can't wait to move to Atlanta. Good opportunities. I think I need this fresh start as bad as you do." She smiles, and with that, I turn around and head for the stairs.

Once in my room, I plop down on my queen size bed and just stare at the ceiling. It was as if nine months with him meant nothing—the betrayal stings.

I look around my bedroom, taking it all in. The walls are my favorite shade of red. The carpet is white. The pictures on my mirror at my vanity of all my friends. My oak dresser with a large mirror sitting on top of it. I've never been anywhere but here, but now I want to be anywhere but here. Hopefully, whatever is waiting for me in Atlanta is better than here.

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