Chapter 44. Thanksgiving

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Mia's POV

The alarm goes off at 430 A.M., and like most mornings, Jesse grabs the alarm clock and chucks it across the room. It amazes me the alarm clock still works, I laugh and shake my head. I get out of bed and get into the shower. I dry off in a hurry, getting dressed into shorts and a tank top. I make my way down the stairs quietly to get started on the turkey.

After I get it into the oven, Maria makes her way down the stairs. "Good morning sweetheart, your up early." She says quietly as I pour a cup of coffee for her and hand it to her. "Thank you," She says. She doesn't seem to be much more of a morning person than Jesse is. "Turkey in the oven?" She asks me.

"Yep," I tell her. She nods. I grab my cup of coffee and sit down beside her. "You know Jesse found some of his dad's journals up in the attic..." I trail off.

"Really? Is he reading them?" She asks me curiously.

"Yes, he does on and off," I tell her.

"Is he still writing in his?" She asks me.

"Yes, he does. Have you ever read them? Or his dads?" I ask her curiously.

"I did read his fathers after he passed away..."She trails off and purses her lips. "I've never read Jesse's. It's a bit of an invasion of privacy. Though, I suppose reading his fathers was to sort of," She sighs.

"I don't think so. I think he would have wanted you to read them," I tell her. "Jesse mentioned he mainly talked about you and him in it."

"That is true," She says as she takes a sip of her coffee. "Jesse Senior was a very passionate man. Jess seems to be just like him in that way. Emmett, his grandfather, was much like that as well," She informs me.

"Jess is very passionate about everything," I nod in agreement. "I always thought maybe he got it from you," I admit.

She chuckles and shakes her head. "What time will the others be here? Who is all coming again?" She asks me.

"They're all supposed to be here by 8 A.M.. It'll be Jordy, Dad, Rachel, Jas, Lily, Opie, and Chrissy. The others have plans with other family," I explain to her. "I think Bobby is coming too," I add.

"I see. You know I always loved it when Jesse's friends would come over. The house would feel so full of life. After Jesse Senior passed away the house, the ranch it all felt so empty and meaningless. Losing him was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I'm lucky I didn't lose Jess on top of it, too," She explains.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine what that must of felt like. I don't ever want to find out," I whisper the last part. "But you have Richard right must make things easier."

"I'm not so sure it is even remotely close to the same thing, Jesse was my first love, my true love. In my opinion, I believe you only find that person once. That person you are truly meant for," She explains.

"I think I understand that maybe better then you think," I tell her. Right on Que Jesse comes down the stairs.

"I believe that," She smiles. "He looks at you the same way his father used to look at me." With that, she gets up and heads into the living room. I don't know how he does it looking all sexy even though his black hair is a mess. He still has sleep in his green eyes. Oh my god, he has scratch marks down his back when he turns around he has hickeys on his neck.

I'm laughing before I can even stop myself. "Babe...Please...go...put..a shirt..on," I say in between fits of laughter.

He looks at me, confused. "And why would I do that?" He asks.

Thinking about what Maria said earlier made me realize she must have known. My cheeks are hot. "Just do it," I breathe.

"Why what is your problem?" I stand behind him, take a picture. He looks at me like I'm a lunatic as I take a second picture of the front of him. I show him both pictures, and he spits his coffee out and starts laughing.

"Mia, it isn't like they don't know we have sex," He says.

"Yes, but to be respectful, we were quiet..." I trail off. Well, we were kind of quiet. "We tried to be quiet last night," I correct. "And my dad is going to be here any minute. Just go put one on!" I hiss at him, pushing him towards the stairs and laughing.

Everyone is here by 8:30 A.M., and we start cooking the other food. The guys are in the living room watching the game. The game is over before supper is done, so the boys decide to blare music through the house.

I hear the song come on, and I already know what he is thinking.

I shake my head at him "No way," I laugh.

He nods as he sings it and begins to dance towards me. He slides on his feet across the kitchen and grabs me and starts spinning me around the kitchen. I give into him and begin dancing with him.

Everyone watches as we expertly dance to this song because we've done it several times already. His mom is even clapping, and whistling Opie is recording it, and so is Chrissy. We continue to spin around the kitchen as the song plays, and Jesse sings it, which sounds amazing.

Everyone claps when we're done. Jesse Kisses me quick, but passionately I'm trying to keep in mind that we have company... I push him away. "Alright shows over," I laugh.


Maria is sitting at the head of the table, and we tell her she has to say grace. After eating us, girls begin cleaning up the mess. We Clear the table washing the dishes. I'm so full I just want to go to bed. I feel more stuffed than the turkey.

I didn't realize I said that out loud until Jesse comes up behind me and says, "I'll stuff ya." He kisses my cheek and walks away. Wow, it's like he can't even help himself. He's very dirty-minded. It's kind of cute and funny though so I just go with it. After everything is cleaned up, we all go to the living room. Jesse, me, Maria, and Richard are on the couch.

Maria and I got talking. I let it slip that Jesse plays guitar all the time now and that he had all the music equipment set up in the basement.

"You play guitar, Jesse?" Richard asks.

"Uh ya, a little." He admits and being modest.

"Can we see?" Richard tilts his head in curiosity.

"Maybe some other time," Jesse shakes his head. We all drop the subject.

"Oops, sorry," I murmur to Jesse. I know he doesn't like playing in front of people. He didn't even want to play in front of me. My guess is it is because it was a hobby he shared with his father. 

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