Chapter 10. Note

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We all turn to see what happened to the back door and see a big rock on the floor with a piece of paper on it. Jesse bends down and grabs the note off of the rock. I look at the paper and realize it's a note.

Don't back out of the race tomorrow night. If you do, you and that sweet little ass you've been tapping are going to pay for it. See you at the tracks, Parker.

"What the fuck?" I ask in confusion. "Race? What race? What the hell are the tracks?"

"Mia, can we please talk about this upstairs?" Jesse asks me.

"Sure, let's go," I grab his hand, pulling him up the stairs into his room. I turn to look at him to tell him I'm not happy that he is hiding something. What if it is dangerous or illegal? When I turn to say something to him, he looks worried. He shuts the door, walks over to the couch, and sits down.

He drops his head into his hands."The track is an illegal race," Jesse says.

I cross my arms over my chest, waiting for the rest. He looks up at me sighs then looks forward. "Jesse, I thought you were being honest with me?" I ask him sternly. "Do they all know about this?"

"I have been honest with you about everything. Just I left this part out. It isn't something I just tell everyone. Yes, they all know about it," He nods.

"Race what?" I ask, confused.

"The Challenger. I bet money. The guys all bet on me to win, and usually, I win. I started it when I was sixteen. Mom was losing money on the ranch really bad after my dad died, but it got worse eight years after his death. My mom got laid off. The economy began to drop. She was completely out of work. I was working part-time in a gas station, but that wasn't doing us any fucking good. I was eight when he died. I was with him when he died, which is why I don't like to talk about it. We got hit by a drunk semi driver with my dad's 1967 Impala. I begged him to wake up, but he wouldn't. I screamed at him, hit him, but he wouldn't budge. The car started on fire. I climbed out of the window just in time because the last thing I remember is the car exploding." He explains.

"I woke up six months later from a coma, they said I was lucky to be alive," He sighs. I didn't even realize I was moving closer to him until I'm standing in front of him. I drop to my knees, put my hands on his knees, and kneel between his legs. My hands run up his legs and begin to rub his inner thighs.

"Jesse, look at me." I wait for him to look into my eyes. All I see is pain, fear, and anger there. "Jess, it's okay, I understand. Normally I don't agree with doing illegal things. However, I also know if I were in your shoes, I'd probably do it no differently. Just don't lie to me or hide things from me because then it leads me to believe that I can't trust you," I tell him.

He nods his hands on either side of my face and pecks my lips. He rests his forehead against mine. We sit this way for a couple of minutes until I lean up and kiss him. My hands move from his thighs and tangle up in his hair. He grabs my hips and pulls me onto his lap. My dress is so short that through my panties, I can feel his erection.

A moan escapes him when I nibble at his bottom lip. A moan escapes me when he grinds against me. He lifts me and carries me to the bed.

"Mia," he groans as he lays me down. He begins to kiss down my neck. "You're mine." He comes back up and claims my lips again. I moan into his mouth. It's not really questionable at this point. I am his.

Just then, there is a knock on the door, interrupting us. Jesse groans but jumps off the bed to see who is on the other side of the door.

It's Nick. "Hey, are you guys okay?" Nick asks.

"Yeah, man, it's all good," Jesse tells him.

"Look, I hate to interrupt, but we still gotta talk about the next race," Nick tells him.

Jesse looks over his shoulder at me, and I smile as I get off the bed. Jesse Nods at Nick, and we all make our way down the stairs. We all gather at Jesse's kitchen table and kitchen island. Jesse pulls me into his lap, holding me around the waist and a beer in his other hand. Lily offers me a beer, and I take it. My other arm around Jesse's neck.

"Everyone wants to do the race tomorrow night Jess," Jordy says.

"Honestly, I could use the money right now," Opie says.

"I guess set it all up then," Jesse says. " I could probably use it too."

"Look, if I do this, I want Damon there. So try and make sure that he fucking is. If beating his ass at a race does nothing, I'll just beat his ass," Jesse says.

We all fall silent. You could feel the tension emanating off of Jesse as he said this. The promise is evident in his voice and the rage in his eyes. After what had happened, the guy's wind up canceling the party because Jesse is pissed off about the entire situation.

Jesse takes me home after we finished our drinks. "I won't be able to see you tomorrow until the race. I've got a lot to catch up on at home," Jesse says.

"It's okay," I tell him. "I really need to look for a job tomorrow. I'll never get a vehicle if I spend more than I make."

"How much you got saved up?" he asked

"I have three thousand and five hundred," I tell him.

"Well, if you have faith in me, you could bet on the race tomorrow night and double your money," He says.

"What if you lose?" I ask him, arching an eyebrow.

"I never lose," He smirks at me all cocky.

A chuckle escapes me. "I'll think about it." I lean over, peck him on the lips, and jump out into the rain. I go inside and look around. It's dark in the house. My mom isn't home. I decide to go upstairs, grabbing a nightshirt and panties. I go into my bathroom, turning the hot water on and stepping into the shower. When I get out of the shower, I check my phone.

Jesse: We'll need to find a different reason for you to wear that dress.

Me: Oh yeah, like what?

Jesse: Well, I could take you on a real date.

Me: I liked our first date, just fine.

Jesse: You could just model that dress for me another time.

Me: Lol, I'll think about it.

Jesse: 😉

Once the lights are off, I lie down, think about what Jesse had said to me earlier while he was kissing me. "You're mine." I'm definitely far more hooked on him then I wanted to be. I drift off to sleep, into a dream. A dream about Jesse, a very inappropriate dream about him.

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