Chapter 29. Let's Party

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Mia's POV

"We need to talk," I say to Em, and she nods in agreement. I spin back around to face Jesse. "I'll be right back," I tell him. He nods. I pull Emily up the stairs to Jesse and I's bedroom. "Em, how the hell did she meet Damon?" I ask her.

"She said they began talking online meet me or something," She sighs. She looks so upset, which confuses me.

"Em, please tell me what is wrong?" I beg her.

"It's nothing important. It doesn't matter, Mia honest, I'm fine," She murmurs.

"That is bullshit Em. Does this have to do with Carey and Damon?" I ask her.

She nods slowly. "Mia, if I tell you something, could you please keep it to yourself?"

"Yes, Em, of course," I promise.

She bows her head, playing with a strand of her hair. "Carey and I were a thing until about three weeks ago when she met Damon. I'm gay. Carey, she is bisexual," Em says shakily."Please, Mia, don't be upset with me. I should have told you sooner. I was scared you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore if you knew..." She trails off, looking up at me, scared.

"Oh my god, Em," I breathe. That is ridiculous, how could she think that. "You will always be my best friend. You being gay doesn't change that." I sit down on the bed by her and hug her as tight as I can.

"So, Carey broke it off with you for Damon?" I ask.

"We weren't official or anything like that, but we were doing things. We were getting close, and I really liked her, and seeing her with Damon hurts so badly..." She trails off as tears form in her eyes.

"Jeez, Em, I'm so sorry." I hug her again. "You should talk to her soon..." I trail off.

"She said she is confused. I want to give her some space. You know?" She says.

"Yeah, good idea," I nod in agreement.

"Okay, this is dumb. We should be partying it's your birthday, and I'm ruining it." She says, wiping her tears away.

"You're not ruining it, Em. I'm glad you can talk to me," I smile. "Come on, let's go party!" We both laugh and head back down the stairs.

Jesse's POV

Mia is making her way back down the stairs. The truth is, I feel awful that all this shit happened on her birthday. I ignored her and fought against Damon and Marcus. I want to make it up to her somehow.

Hanging By A Moment by Lifehouse begins to play. I go over to the stairs where the girls are at. "Can I borrow her, Emily?" I ask.

"She's all yours," Emily smiles at me.

I drag Mia over to the middle of the floor and spin her around just as the music picks up. We're silent for a few seconds, but I figure I better say something to her. "I'm sorry, baby."

She shakes her head at me. "I'm not mad, Jess. I just had to talk to Em."

"Everything alright?" I ask her.

"Yes," She smiles back at me. I lean my head against hers and begin singing to her. I've never sung in front of her before, so of course, she's clueless that I can sing.

"Oh my god, you can sing!" She gasps. "How the hell did I never know this?"

"Not very many people know," I chuckle and shrug it off.

"You put Lifehouse to shame. I'll never be able to listen to the song again unless you're singing it." She mumbles. I chuckle in response before singing the rest of the song to her. After the song is over, I kiss her. We make our way to the dining room where all the guys are playing beer pong.

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