Chapter 3. Tension

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Mia's POV

As I am taking the last boxes into the new house, I think back about my last day of school. The way Marcus tried to apologize. I just laughed at him and walked away. I was so done with him. The way Ava pleaded with me to give her another chance to talk to her, blaming all of it on Marcus. I just told her to kiss my ass.

Carey and Em won't speak to Ava now either. I showed them the picture of Ava and Marcus and then deleted it. I never intended to send it to anyone, and I didn't. I'm not that cruel. But I am over it. I was surprised how quickly I got over it.

Is that wrong, I wonder? Maybe I never liked Marcus as much as I had initially thought. Don't get me wrong, the betrayal part I'm still pissed off. Trusting someone else is going to feel close to impossible.

"Mia, is that the last box, honey?" Mom asks.

"Yes, it is," I say. I head upstairs to my room that faces the front yard, not much of a yard being it is in the city. My mother picked a good house I have to give her that.

My new room is a lot bigger and a bigger bathroom and closet. I can't wait to paint the bedroom, though. I haven't decided on the color but probably Red. The walls are purple, with a tall white ceiling, and a thick white carpet.

As soon as you open the front door, you're in a hallway. The kitchen is to the left, living room to the right. The kitchen walks into a dining room. There's a bathroom off of the living room and a back door past the stairs down the hallway. The garage is right off the kitchen as well.

All hardwood flooring charming. A big chandelier on the ceiling in the hallway. Going up the stairs is a big window. My room is the first door on the right.

My mother's room at the end of the hall straight ahead. We have two spare bedrooms as well. My mom and I both with our own bathrooms. The other two rooms don't have bathrooms and aren't quite as big.

My phone dings. I walk over to my dresser and grab it. It's already 3:30 P.M. Lily my cousin, is out of school her last day was today. I open up my texts. It's Lily.

Lily: Hey, I'm on my way over. My boyfriend Jordy is dropping me off. We're going to get ready at your place. The girls are going to pick us up when we are ready.

Me: Okay, Lil, sounds good to me.

I agreed to go to this 'beginning of the summer party' with Lily to meet the kids I'd be going to school with senior year. I set my phone back down and continue to unpack. I'm well aware that this party that I'm going to will have music, drugs, alcohol, and sex. Lily gave me a heads up, said if I didn't want to go, that I don't have too.

This is not my usual thing. I'm not some big party girl, but I'm dying to cut loose. Marcus had messaged me a couple of days of go. He told me how if I wasn't such a prude that it would have worked out. Marcus knew when we got together that I wasn't big into partying or doing reckless things. I'm angry and tired of being good all the time. No guy is going to want some prude. I just want to get even. I want to prove that I'm not a prude that I can be crazy and reckless too. This is why I'm going to this party. Marcus tried saying I was so uptight, always a good girl. I'll show that son of a bitch.

The sound of a motorcycle pulls me from my thoughts. I walk over to the window to see Lily climbing off the back of a motorcycle. Well... I'm not that crazy.

It's been almost a year since I had seen Lily. Lily had never been a goody-two-shoes like me. She was braver than I was. But I always admired that about Lily. I run down the stairs. She throws the door open, and I jump at her. "Oof," she says as I almost tackle her to the floor.

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