Chapter 12. Out The Window

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Jesse's POV

We get into my room I shut the door. She leads me to the bed pushes me to sit down. She puts her arms around my neck. I hold onto her waist as she climbs onto my lap. She starts kissing me. I kiss her back slipping my tongue into her mouth, she pulls at my hair. I lay down pulling her with me.

"Wait do you got something I can wear?" She asks.

"Yeah." I jump off the bed in search of a shirt that's long enough for her. I grab one of my White button-ups and hand it to her. She goes into the bathroom to change. I go downstairs for a glass of water while she gets changed. When I come back shes on the bed in just my shirt...Damn it all to hell.

"Hi," She breathes. My stomach seems to explode.

 My stomach seems to explode

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Mia's POV

"Hi," I breathe. He looks at me up and down then swallows hard.

"Hi." He begins to walk toward me cautiously. I crawl to the edge of the bed where he is now standing. I get up on my knees throw my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist. We start kissing slowly but passionately.

I'm done being cautious all the time being good is boring. He slides his hands down to my ass and further down to my thighs he picks me up. My legs wrap around his waist and I tangle my hands in his hair. He begins to make his way to the top of the bed where the covers are already pulled back. He lays down between my legs. His cock hardens and he grinds against me. I push his shirt up. He pulls away from me reaching back over his head and pulling his shirt off. 

God, how is it so sexy when he does that? He comes back down but starts kissing and sucking on my neck under my ear.

"Jess," I moan. He moves his hand up my thigh. He moans when he notices how wet I am. He goes back to kissing me on the mouth biting at my lip.

"Fuck I wanna taste you," He mumbles. He starts unbuttoning my shirt. He manages to get all the buttons on my shirt undone and begins to trail his hand up my stomach.

A moan escapes me when he squeezes my breast. His lips trail down my neck to my chest, taking one of my breasts into his mouth. "Oh god," I pant. He kneels between my legs looking down at me with lust-filled eyes. He begins to run his hands up my waist. He grabs onto both sides of my panties looking at me silently asking if this is okay. I just lift my hips as an answer to him. He slides them down my legs and throws them.

His lips trail up my inner thigh. I watch curiously as he throws the blanket over us. I can't see him but I can feel his mouth getting closer to my throbbing pussy. As soon as his tongue presses against my clit a loud moan escapes me. My back arches and my eyes roll back. It feels too amazing to be self-conscious about where his mouth is. His tongue moves in circles around my clit. He groans as he goes down on me making me moan louder. 

"Fuck," He hisses. "You taste so good. Cum for me." That was it the moment he said that I exploded into pieces screaming and arching my back, holding onto the sheets and pulling them.

"Oh my god, Jess!" I scream.

He holds onto my hips to keep me in place as he keeps devouring me with his mouth. How could his tongue possibly do such amazing things to me? If he hadn't been holding me in place I swear I would have floated away.

As the high of the orgasm fades, he begins to kiss his way back up to me. He kisses my neck right beneath my ear and I moan again. I want more of him already. I travel my fingers into his hair and pull.

"I need you," I breathe in his ear. He turns his head and looks me in the eye for a moment but then kisses me lightly on the lips. He kicks his jeans and boxers off. I feel him at my entrance. He looks back into my eyes pressing his forehead to mine. His breathing heavy as he slowly thrusts inside of me. I moan and pull his hair, and he moans too.

Whatever doubts I had about how Jesse felt about me, or about what he wanted from me went right out the window tonight. I can't describe the look in his eyes but it's the kind of look that doesn't go away every time I come around him.


We begin to fall asleep. Until we both all a sudden can smell smoke. An orange light begins to flicker through the window of Jesse's bedroom. I quickly begin buttoning my shirt as Jesse runs over toward's the window. Once I'm completely buttoned up I jump off the bed.

Quickly I walk toward's the window but stop dead in my tracks at the looks on Jesse's face. He looks horrified. I've never seen such a look on his face. He is pale and looks as though he's gonna be sick.

Before I can say anything he is running out the door and down the stairs. I hurriedly make my way over to Jesse's window that looks out over the back yard. And then I see it, understanding why he had such a horrid look on his face. Because Undoubtedly I now am wearing the same expression on my own face.

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