Chapter 52. Going Home

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Jesse's POV

We're on our way home. We left at five in the morning. It's just Mia and me in the truck. The others are right behind us, though. The roads are clear, and it isn't supposed to snow today. It's January 2nd. We left a day early because there is going to be a blizzard up here and through Wisconsin, tonight through tomorrow, and we wouldn't have got out.

We're listening to a song Mia picked, but I know it too. We're both singing along to it and acting silly. She flips the middle seat up so she can come closer to me. I throw my arm around her.

"I love you. Thank you for bringing me up here. It was amazing," She says and smiles. She reaches up to kiss me. I get a little too deep into the kiss. I have one arm around her back, and I take the other hand off the steering wheel to cup it around her jaw, rubbing my thumb against her cheek. I hurry up and put one hand back to the steering wheel, kissing her still, when I hear a loud honk.

We look up at the same time to see another truck coming straight at us. I had crossed lanes. I hurry up and swerve back into my own lane as I say, "Oh shit!"

At the same time, Mia squeals. "Jess!" I got away from the truck just in time, we look at each other and start laughing. We stop at a gas station In Eau Claire, Wisconsin, to get gas. We're making good time we've only been on the road an hour. I put gas in while Mia runs into the station to go to the bathroom pay and get us drinks and me a pack of cigarettes.

Opie is getting gas in his truck too, and Frank brought his SUV, so he is filling up also. "Yo, What time you think we'll be home, Jess?" Ope asks me.

"I don't know Ope, depends on if you fuckers can keep up with me," I smirk at him.

He and frank both say."psh" at the same time, and I laugh.

"Naw for real though probably about eight or nine. It depends on how frequent we have to stop. I think we should all stick together, so if anyone has to stop text or call everyone to let them no," I say. They nod in agreement. After what happened to Mia and me on the way here, I don't want to take any chances. I get in the truck and wait for Mia to get outside.

As she is walking out, two bigger guys are walking toward her, whistling at her. I automatically climb out of the truck just in case one of them starts shit. Mia ignores them and is attempting to walk past them when one of them grabs her ass.

"Come home with me, sweetheart," He says. I'm going to kill him.

She is trying to pull away from him. "Hey, knock it off," Mia says sternly to the guy, trying to pull away still. I can hear Jordy and Opie running across the parking lot after me. I'm walking fast, not running, but I'm pissed. As soon as I'm just a couple feet behind him, Mia sees me.

"Jess-" is all she gets out. The guy turns around, and I punch him in the jaw.

"Where in the fuck is your manners, asshole?" I growl. The other guy comes at me with a pocket knife. I laugh at him. "Go ahead, do it!" I sneer. The guy begins to walk forward, but he looks petrified. I leap forward to grab his wrist, and I bend it back until I hear it crack. He drops the knife screaming in pain, and I punch him in the nose. The other guy comes at me, and I punch him in the nose too. Opie and Jordy are behind me.

"Come on bro, let's get the fuck out of here," Jordy says.

I nod and grab Mia pulling her alongside me to the truck. She is running to keep up with my walk. I open my door, pick her up, and slide her into the truck. I jump up in it and peel out of the gas station with Opie behind me, and Frank behind him.

I grab her hand, intertwine our fingers and kiss the inside of her left wrist and her left finger. We continue driving. We stop at a Taco Bell/KFC for lunch and eat there since we're making good time.

"Dude, people in Wisconsin are rude as fuck," Ope says, referring to what happened at the gas station.

I nod in agreement, "Sure seems like it," I mutter. "Then again, not the first time it's happened." Mia frowns. She knows what I'm talking about.

"What you mean?" Nicky asks.

"Mia had something similar happen to her and Lily in Atlanta," I explain. Jordy, me, and the girls tell what happened. After we're done eating, we head out. I light a cigarette and ask Mia if she wants to drive until we stop for supper.

She agrees and climbs into the driver's side.


I watch her as she drives my truck, like a pro. I don't usually let other people drive my vehicles. I've never let a girl drive my cars, but Mia has driven all of my cars except my bike. She's been on it with me before, though. I even taught her how to drive the Challenger, which is a manual. She did really good at it, she learns quickly.

I've taught her how to do things on vehicles too. She actually likes helping me work on vehicles. Mia likes doing a lot of things most girls don't. She looks beautiful. I sit there staring at her like the creep that I am. I can't help it. Her long black curly hair is blowing out around her. She has her sunglasses on over her beautiful blue eyes.

She's wearing a white tank top with her black leather jacket and low waist black Jeans and her black cowboy boots. I can see her belly ring too. She's smiling. She loves to drive the truck. I should get her one. She still has her black Trans Am, and that is a beautiful car too. But I know my girl she'd love to have a truck. I think she mostly parted with that car. She loves it, but it isn't her favorite kind of car. She likes Dodges. She told me she wants to get one like mine someday and an old Dodge Challenger.

She pulls me out of my thoughts when she looks over at me and catches me staring at her. She's used to it. I stare at her a lot. She smiles at me."When do you want to stop and eat?" She asks. It's already six-thirty. We're getting close to Georgia. We're in Nashville, Tennessee, about three and a half hours from home.

"Let's go to the Aquarium Restaurant," I tell her. I call everyone to let them know where we are going for supper. They all like the idea. So I give Mia directions on how to get there.

"Um wow, Jess, it's probably going to be expensive," She says.

"I've been here before, it isn't cheap," I tell her. "But it has bomb ass food." I laugh. We all walk into the restaurant. I let the waiter know we're all together. She puts a couple of big tables together so we can all eat together.

"Wow, this place is awesome," Lily says.

"Agreed," The girls all chorus.

We gather around trying to eat quickly because it cuts into the time it takes to get home. "You guys better be ready because when we get back out on the road, I'm hauling ass. I got a fuzz buster by the way, so if I slow down, it's because it went off, which means you slow down, too," I tell the guys.

"Sounds good," Nicky says. He is now driving Frank's SUV.

"Alright," Jordy says. He is now driving Opie's truck.

We head out of the restaurant getting into the vehicles. I jump into the driver's side, and Mia crawls up beside me. I throw my arm around her and pull out of the parking lot heading back for the interstate. I book it towards Atlanta. I'm going about 100 mph weaving through the traffic expertly. Mia would probably tell me to slow down since it's dark, but she knows I'm a good driver. She trusts me, so she doesn't comment on it.

It's been about two hours, and we are in Atlanta because of my crazy ass driving. The boys kept up with me for the most part, and everyone begins to head home.

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