Chapter 53. Spring Break

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Mia's POV

It's March 30th, Jesse, and I are flying to Los Angeles, California to spend Spring Break with his Mom and Richard. We go back to school on April 8th. Our last day of school is May 23rd. We graduate on May 25th.

Jesse and I both bought class rings and some other souvenirs. My mom took our engagement better than I thought she would. Jesse and I went over there for supper the night before school started back up during winter break.

Jesse and I are already on the flight waiting for take off. I've never been to California, so I'm really excited. Jesse had spent a summer there when he was 15 with his mom's sister and her wife. We make our way out of the airport and Maria and Rich are there waiting for us. We get into Rich's BMW and head towards their house. Rich's home is beautiful; of course, he is an architect.

"Wow, Rich nice house," I murmur. They all chuckle at my reaction. We enter the front door to the sitting room.

"I'll show you guys to your room, give you a few moments, then come on out to the back patio," Maria says as we walk up the stairs. Maria opens our door. Jesse and I are only staying a week. Spring break isn't as long as winter break. We even have a balcony. Wow. Jesse also lets out a whistle and shakes his head. We toss our things onto the bed. 

Jesse walks over to the bathroom. "Wow, I'm gonna do you in that shower later..." Jesse trails off then looks over at me with a smirk. I shake my head. Leave it to him to be perverted. Then again, the man has a point the shower and tub are big. They were at the Cabin too, and we took advantage of that...a lot.

"Alright, we should go downstairs before we never make it down there, yeah?" I ask, beginning to walk away, but Jesse grabs my arm, spins me into him, and then walks us backward until we fall onto the bed.

"Jess! Stop it! The balcony door is open. They'll hear us," I giggle, and he starts tickling me. "Jess!" I laugh, "Please!" I'm losing my breath. He stops and pulls me up. I start slapping his chest. "Stupid ass!" I growl.

"I'm your stupid ass, baby," He says as he runs up behind me and spanks my ass.

"Ow!" I yell and chase him down the stairs. He makes it outside and hides behind his mother. "Chicken shit!" I say to him. Maria starts laughing, and so do we.

"Come on; you two sit down. We have lemonade," Maria says.

"Lemonade?! Where the fuck is the liquor?" Jesse whines. Maria slaps him upside the head, and I laugh as I sit down.

"You're not old enough to drink," Maria says to him.

"I'm not old enough for a lot of things, mama, but that doesn't stop me." He smirks, and she can't help but laugh at her son. They begin arguing in Spanish. I can actually understand and speak Spanish almost perfectly now, thanks to Jesse. The patio and pool are beautiful. I look around in curiosity. I can't wait to go shopping and go to the beach. It's beautiful here.

"Rich, did you build that pool or design it or something?" I ask curiously.

"I built it," He tells me.

"It's beautiful," I compliment. "You have a lovely home." I smile.

He smiles back. "Thanks, Mia."

"You two can take my car to go see the ocean if you like?" Maria tells us.

"I don't know that flight tired me out, maybe tomorrow?" I ask, looking at Jess. Jesse nods in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm too tired to go sightseeing today," He says.

Jesse and I go inside, exploring the house a bit. We go to the kitchen first. The kitchen is white and grey, very modern. It is huge with a massive kitchen island in the center. The dining room is modern and big as well. 

"Wow, this is a nice place," I tell Jesse. "I'm scared I'll break something," I whisper the last part to him.

"Yeah, I'm worried you'll break something too, baby, you're a bit of a klutz," He teases. I turn and slap him in the chest, and we laugh. Then we head into the TV room. We sit down and start watching TV. After several minutes Maria and Rich come in wondering if we want to watch a movie with them and we agree. Maria and I go out to the kitchen to make some popcorn and get some drinks.

"Thanks for letting us come to visit Maria. It's beautiful here I've never been here before," I tell her.

"Oh, of course, hon. You guys are welcome here anytime." She smiles. We head back into the living room where the boys are and start the horror movie. We all agreed we hadn't seen it yet. 

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