Chapter 51. New Year's Eve

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Mia's POV

It's New Year's Eve, the girls and I are making a huge supper. It's hard to believe we are leaving in a couple of days I'm sure going to miss the cabin. After supper, we are going into Stillwater to see the fireworks. The girls and I move around the kitchen as we cook.

We have the chicken in the oven, which was the biggest one we could find. The potatoes are still boiling. We are slowly cooking homemade chicken gravy, my recipe. The pies are already done, two cherry, two pumpkins, and two apples. We also have green beans, corn, and carrots cooking. I'm also making a nacho dip that is also my recipe. Cammy is making these chocolate and peanut butter candies I had one, and they're amazing.

Cammy is beginning to grow on me; she is a lot like Kelly. I'm glad to find out she is nothing like Alyssa. "So you never did tell us the other thing Jesse bought you?" Chrissy asks me as I pour wine into glasses for us.

"Yeah, spill it girly." Lily interrogates me.

I hand the girls their glass of wine. I sigh. "Seriously, you guys..." I trail off, and they're impatiently waiting. I blush. "It was lingerie," I mutter to all of them.

"Ow Ow!" Kelly yells.

"What did it look like?" Cammy asks, smiling.

"It was red and see-through and lacey kind of like a nightgown thing with a robe," I explain.

"I like that underwear you bought him, what was that one... I licked it, so it's mine?" Chrissy asks, smiling evilly ear to ear.

"Yes," I laugh.

"Oh, so you have given him a blowjob," Kelly says, giving me a smirk.

"Yes," I chuckle.

"Is he the only one you've done that too?" Lily asks me.

"Yes," I admit.

"Does he like it?" Chrissy asks.

"Oh my god, you guys seriously!" I blush.

"Come on, spill," Kelly says and chuckles.

"Yes, he told me I've been the best at everything. Though, I don't know if he is just saying that," I admit.

"I don't know Mia, I believe it. Kind of hard to think otherwise the way he looks at you and acts around you," Lily says

"He has no shame," Chrissy laughs.

"I know he doesn't. We had sex with his mom in the house, and we tried being quiet, but he almost seemed like he didn't care if she heard us..." I laugh.

"Oh my god, that would be so embarrassing!" Cammy laughs.

"It kind of made things interesting, though," I laugh.

"It does. Jordy and I've done that at your dad's," Lily says. We are all laughing.

"We heard you two last night," Chrissy says to me.

"Chrissy!" I blush and duck my head.

"How can we not? Jesse moans kind of loud," Chrissy says. "Must be like really good."

"Oh my god, stop!" I laugh.

"Ohh, Miaaa!" Chrissy and Lily moan together at the same time mocking Jesse. I hit both of them on the ass with my wooden spoon.

"Whatever like you bitches ain't loud when you are going at it! I've heard you too!" I laugh. Just then, Jesse walks into the kitchen as we're all laughing and throwing food at each other.

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