Chapter 11. Tracks

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When I wake up, I'm soaked in sweat. I swallow hard as I bring myself out of the dream I was having. The dream was about Mia, not even a nightmare. We were in my room. As I sat on the bed, I watched her slowly remove the red dress she'd been wearing. It dropped to the floor, and she climbed on top of me, and we started...

Ugh god damn, I think I'd rather have the nightmares. I've never had a dream that turned me on before. It drives me insane how badly I want her. As soon as she's gone, I want her to come back. I can't stand being away from her. I hate it. I know that I haven't exactly asked her to be my girl, but she kind of already is my girl.

It's crazy how you can know some people for years, and they don't mean much. Then you can meet a new person, and they become everything. I can't look at other girls or think about other girls. It scares me how fast I'm falling for her. I'm falling fast and hard, a downward spiral. How can one girl be so perfect?

Which brings me back to the race and Damon, I get livid when I think about the threat in the letter. Not so much the threat to me, but the one directed at her. It'll be a miracle if I don't beat his ass before the race tonight. I decide to send Mia a text first to let her know that I'm awake.

Me: Good morning, gorgeous.

To my surprise, she is already up even though it's six in the morning.

Mia: Good morning.

Me: I had a damn good dream about you. 😉

I'm not totally sure I should be telling her. This is all strange to me. I'm really not that good with girls. They're just easily attracted to me I suck at talking to them.

Mia: What was your dream about?

Great, I guess I fucking walked into that one. Do I dare tell her it was a sex dream? Or do I lie? I don't usually lie. I hate lying. I'm a good liar, I'll lie my ass off if I have too, but I don't like to.

Me: I don't know if you want to know the answer to that...

Mia: Sounds to me like it was similar to mine. 🤦‍♀️

Holy shit! Is she trying to say she had a sex dream about me?! I drop my phone in shock. It takes me a long moment to pick it back up. There is no possible way that is what she meant.

Me: I'm not so sure about that...

Mia: Well, if it was a sex dream...then yes it was.🤷‍♀️

Me: Fuck me 😲

Mia: Well, I mean, if you insist... 😂

Me: I insist.

A chuckle escapes me as I set the phone down. Before she can respond, I jump in the shower. At first, I leave the water on hot, trying to think of anything that will make me less hard. Things that will turn me off, but she keeps creeping back into my head. I press my hands against the tile, and just as I think it's working, she creeps back into my head again. I start thinking about the first night I met her, how damn good she looked. How amazing her body felt pressed against mine...

Damn it, I facepalm. Concentrate dumb ass. Things that turn me off. Like body odor and old ladies and...

Mia looked so damn good in that dress. I bite my lip as I imagine sliding the red dress off her hips.

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