Chapter 45. Vacation

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Jesse's POV

Dear me,

Mia and I have been together for six months. Things have been going well between us. We never fight. We get snippy with each other if we don't agree, but I'm guessing that it is normal for couples. I don't care as long as we work through it. I've already decided I don't want anyone but her. I know that I'm only eighteen, but that doesn't stop me from believing that she is it for me. My mom adores her; everyone does. It's sort of hard not to like Mia she is so easy going. It's December 21st. We just started our Christmas Break today. It's early, yet so I haven't told her my plan to take her to my Grandpa's cabin. It's up north in Minnesota. We are going to drive up there and spend the entire break up there with all of our friends. Luckily, the cabin has exactly six bedrooms in it. It's just enough rooms for everyone to get their own room. I know how beautiful it is up there in the winter and I want Mia to see it. I inherited the cabin. My dad's dad left the cabin to my mom to be able to give it to me. My uncle Bobby didn't want it. Mia is awake, so that is the end of this entry.

Until next time,

Jesse Parker

"Hey, baby," I say to her.

She smiles at me. "Hi."

"So you need to pack your shit because we are leaving today," I tell her. Now I said it the way I did because watching her face was hilarious the way I worded it.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She asks me in confusion.

"We're going up north for the next two weeks. We're taking all our friends with us. Well, except for Emily and Carey, I already called Em. She said she and Carey got other plans," I explain to her. "Make sure you pack warm clothes."

"What? How can we afford that?" She asks, confused.

"Trust me I can afford it, I'm kind of a trust fund baby," I tell her.

"Where are we staying?" She asks.

"I have a cabin up in Minnesota, you are wasting time love now go pack," I tell her.

"Okay..." She says, raising her eyebrows and turning around to go back up the stairs.


"How late are we going to be?" She asks me.

"Not too late, we're about an hour or so behind them. It's fine, babe," I tell her.

As we drive up the interstate, we're already about two hours away from home, heading north towards Minnesota. I decided it'd be safer to take the Dodge. I know how the winters in Minnesota can be. I wish I would have checked the weather before we'd left.

The cabin is about seventeen miles out of the city limits of Stillwater, Minnesota. It isn't a very big town, maybe around twenty thousand people tiny compared to Atlanta. I wanted the drive to be just Mia and me.

I'm having her drive now because I'm going to drive through the night. We left at ten in the morning. I talked Uncle Bobby, Opie's dad, into watching my ranch for me for the next two weeks.

If Mia keeps going eighty miles per hour, we should make it there a little sooner than I initially thought. She's actually a good driver. I should have told Mia a little earlier, but I wanted it to be a surprise. It's only noon, and according to the GPS, We'll be there by eleven tonight, so we're an hour ahead of schedule.

We drive down the interstate listening to different music on her phone and mine. She is singing a song called The middle by Zedd and Maren Morris or something like that. Whatever the hell it is, she makes it sound so damn good.

"I didn't know you could sing," I say to her. She just shrugs and keeps singing. After that, a country song comes on, and I have to admit I like this one. Take back home by Chris Lane and Tori Kelly. I grab her hand, intertwine our fingers, and sing the song with her.


Mia has been driving for six hours, and we're only nine hours away. I tell her I'll drive the rest of the way. She looks tired of driving. And she did an excellent job. We stop at a gas station off the interstate, go to the bathroom and switch.

A song comes on the radio. It's a country song also. I'll admit I started listening to a lot more country music after I met Mia. This song reminds me of her because the first time I heard it was about two weeks after we met. I watch as she slowly starts nodding off. I grab a blanket out of the back seat and put it over her.

Thank god I got a fuzz buster. It just signaled me there is a cop up ahead, and I'm going ninety-three miles per hour. I slow down to seventy, which is the correct speed limit. I have been going about ninety to a hundred miles per hour. So now it is saying we'll be there by ten o'clock. It's seven o'clock now. I'm in Janesville, Wisconsin. I call Opie to see where they're at. He says they're all in Tomah, Wisconsin. It's snowing here. The roads are covered in it. Mia stirs just then, waking up out of a nap.

"Hey," She yawns. "Where are we?"

"Janesville, Wisconsin," I tell her. She sees the snow.

"Wow, it's snowing like crazy," She says.

"Yeah, I've had to slow down a lot. I'm only going, fifty," I tell her, so she doesn't get scared. It's getting pretty dark out.


We're in Lakeland, Minnesota. It is ten o'clock. We lost time because of how much I had to slow down. Were only about forty-five minutes from the cabin now. It is snowing even worse up here than it was earlier, I can barely see out the windshield.

"Jesse..." Mia gasps as the truck starts to fishtail. I look over to make sure her seat belt is on. "Jesse," she says a little louder. "Maybe we should just-" she cuts off and screams. The truck begins to spin out of control on the highway, and I can't get control of the truck.

"Jesse!" she screams. I watch as the headlights spin all around the highway. I know if I don't get control of this truck, we're going to flip right down the steep side of a hill.

"Hold on, Mia," I tell her, trying to stay calm. The truck continues to spin out of control, getting closer to the side of the hill. The side I don't want to go down because I know we won't walk away to easily. I'm now only a foot from the edge of the steep hill.

"Jesse!" She screams.

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