105. JiKook

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Min_Joselyn wanted a sexy Jimin chapter next. 

So that's just what you're all getting. 😘😘

So we all know that BTS go on tour more often than they go on the toilet. Just the facts. We also know that getting tickets to these thangs is almost as hard as marrying the oppa of your choice. But you, my dear reader, you are special. Your helmet is covered in stickers. Your school bus is short as shit. You have tickets to the next BTS concert nearest you.

So what you have to travel 690 miles via foot through a monsoon? So what? It's worth it, I tell you. So very worth it.

Anyway, you walked those some seven hundred miles give or take a few and you have the massive blisters and bunions on your toes to prove it. Shit, you'd be surprised if you'd ever be able to walk again, but iss BTS. IT IS WORTH IT!

You're there now, at the concert. You got your ARMY bomb. You got your bias' name tattooed on your left ass cheek. You got arrested six times on the way there for walking in a no-trespassing zone. But you are there and you are having the best two or three hours of your sad life. Soon it will all be over and you'll have to begin the six week journey back home, where you may or may not have gotten evicted from your house because it cost you over $4,000 to get this front row ticket.

Homelessness is just a small price to pay for being an ARMY. I mean, who needs a house when you have a magic shop? 

It's almost the end of the night now. Soon the boys will head off stage to do whatever it is they do once they are taken off stage (probably just put back in their cases and recharged like the little robot entertainment slaves that they are). You were hoping to see at least one moment tonight where your main ship (JiKook) sailed.

"Aaachoooo!" <-- That's you sneezing, bro.

Soon as you looked up from your sneeze, this is what you saw:

Soon as you looked up from your sneeze, this is what you saw:

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