109. Too Sweet 2Seok

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You are in high school, even though, God damnit, I'm about to turn 26. But at least you're still young enough that you don't have to painfully rip out your chin hairs with a spring. I'mma make you a senior though, that way I don't feel so bad about my gray hairs.

So you're in your last year of high school now and you've decided to finally make your move on your crush, Seokjin, that way you don't, ya know, die alone like I will some day if I don't get a move on dating more frequently. He's super funny, super sweet and super handsome. So obviously he's single, just like me. He and I have all those things in common.

But enough about me, let's talk about you, dearheart. Like I said, Seokjin is the man for you. There's only one thing that's been standing in your way these last four years - a thing named Hoseok. 

What really sucks about Hoseok is that he has such a big crush on you, and he ain't shy about it either. He literally goes around telling everybody, in a loud-ass voice mind you, that, "You see Y/N??? Errbody, look at Y/N! That's MY girl! The love of moi loife! She's mine! Hahahahahhaha!" 

Eventually his cackles die down as he runs down the hall pantsing errbody and smiling at inanimate objects, but still, it's a bit much, wouldn't you say?

[I just had an epiphany that 2Seok are the two most EXTRA members of BTS and my head is spinning. Give me a second.]

Back to it. 

You waited till the very last day of skool to confess to Seokjin, possibly because you are (like me) a major pussy, or possibly because you are (unlike me) a major procrastinator. Either way, there you stood, right in front of the gloriously handsome Seokjin, having spilled all 42 ounces of your heart out into his mouth. And he seemed to be happily chewing on your confession.

And then...

Hoseok showed up.

"Y/N!!" His nasally voice hit your ears like a ton of dicks. "Y/N!! There you are! I missed you! Gimme kishes! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Seokjin tried to hold Hoseok back, but the power of his kissing lips were just too strong, some might say. 

"Y/N, he loves you," Seokjin said. 

And like, yeah, duh, you knew that, doiiiiii. But it was starting to bum you out big time that Seokjin seemed to think that was going to stop you from choosing him as the one you should love in this world.

All the while, Hoseok stared at you with his dark, pretty eyes and perfect nose and adorable cheeks and gorgeous lips and flawless skin and shitttt - you see that? I tried so hard to control my inner J-Hoe. Anyway, I tried. I failed.

What would you do?

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What would you do?

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