Chapter twenty-eight

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I sigh happily, watching Ariella play with Teddy on the floor of my flat, smiling softly at the puppy who was bouncing across the room happily whilst playing catch. It was a small space and definitely not big enough for a child and a puppy who were both full of energy. I lift my grey mug to my lips, taking a sip of the warm liquid inside of it as I lay my head sideways on the back of the sofa. I smile softly, looking at my daughter with her brunette hair and her bright green eyes, now not knowing who she looked more like. Her father or me.

I turn my head, looking at the blonde man sat on the other side of the sofa with his guitar on his lap. His head was bowed down, looking at his fingers as they ran lightly over the strings causing a smile to fall to my lips as I notice him turn slightly, jotting something down in the notebook beside him. Apart from the giggles of my daughter and the quiet strum of Niall's guitar, it was calm in the room. I look at the time, sighing softly as I look at the puppy chasing Ariella around the carpet.

"I really need to take Teddy for a walk" I say softly, swinging my legs round to place them on the floor, slowly standing up. I look over to Niall as he looks up, smiling softly at me as he places his guitar down.

"I can come if you like?" He says softly as I nod slowly, giggling at him as he smirks softly at me. "When are we going?" He says softly as I run my hands over my face.

"Let me change out of my joggers and then we can go?" I smile as Niall nods with a smile, agreeing to do the same after. I head to the bedroom, slipping off the tracksuit bottoms and slipping on a pair of skin tight jeans, pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail, deciding that that would do. After a brief few seconds in the room Niall jobs down the corridor, doing the same thing as me with a smile. His lips pressed to mine briefly as Ariella ran to grab something, a small mumble of 'i love you's' exchanged as he slide son his hoodie, putting his phone in his pocket.

I slip my trainers on before grabbing my car keys and Teddy's lead. I smile softly, placing it in the puppy as he begins to chew the lead, laying down on the floor in front of me. I raise my eyebrow, lifting up the puppy as Niall chuckles, stepping out beside me with a slam of the door. I open the front door to the building, turning my head back to see Niall and Ariella bouncing down the stairs together and in time. He was amazing with her, even from a young age.

I place Teddy in the boot of the car in his cage, closing the door as Niall smiles softly. "Do you want me to drive?" He asks as I shake my head with a soft smile as he sets Ariella into her seat with a smile.

"I know where to go, I'll be fine" I smile as he nods, climbing into the passenger seat and doing his own belt up. I follow suit, sitting in the drivers seat with a smile, squeezing his knee gently before putting the car into drive and pulling out of the driveway, heading for the field we took Teddy to.


I slide my foot into my wellington boot, giggling when Niall groans at the fact he was in his trainers and no Wellington boots. "Maybe you'll remember them next time" I tease as he rolls his eyes, smirking as he mimics me. I nod to the back seat, gesturing for him to get Ariella out and put her Wellington boots on. He nods, slipping the pink sparkly boots as as she grins, running for a puddle and jumping in it with a giggle. I stifle a laugh when Niall looks down, finding splotches of mud on his jeans.

"I didn't sign up for this" he huffs as I step closer, raising my eyebrow to him as he looks down at me.

"This is what happens when you take a dog for a walk in October" I laugh softly before smirking slightly. "Don't worry, I'll take them off later for you" I say softly as his eyes widen, groaning slightly when I walk away to grab Teddy from the car. I place him on the floor, smiling as he begins to pull on the lead to go. I lock the car, walking with the puppy as Niall walks with Ariella, letting go of her hand as she runs to walk beside Teddy.

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