Chapter 56

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Selene and Ciri were slowly but surely making there way up the path that led to Kaer morhen. In hopes that soon they would leave behind any and all trouble. "How long until we get there?" Selene looked over at Ciri and frowned slightly. "Roughly another week, if we're lucky we'll lose our trackers and run into Geralt and Jaskir." Ciri nodded as she could only agree.

    "Is it my fault they keep chasing us?" "No, they're just idiots who think they can control everyone." Ciri shrugged and decided to not question her logic. "But I still wanna know what that prophecy is about." Selene raised an eyebrow before she spoke. "I understand because even I'm curious on who it's speaking of."  Ciri nodded and tightened her cloak around her as she continued to follow Selene.

     "The flame that will pierce the darkness through the storm." Selene raised both eyebrows this time as something clicked. "Ciri you're a genius!" Ciri blinked suddenly confused. "I am?" "Yes! The storm is darkness, and the light will finally pierce the flickering flame." "So do we know who it's talking about?" "No, not exactly, but I can only assume it's someone who brings light out even in the darkest of times."

    "Hm, well we will figure it out. We always do." Selene nodded as they continued up the path that would lead them to Kaer Morhen.

   Meanwhile with Geralt and Dandelion.

  "Geralt? Shouldn't we stop soon? It's getting dark..." geralt sighed as he looked at the sky. "I would rather not stop. I know it's getting dark, but the closer we get to Kaer Morhen the safer we should be."

   Dandelion looked at him and almost frowned until he saw the worried look to his friends face. "You're still worried...." "of course I am, if anything happens to them I would never forgive myself." "It wouldn't be your fault. You also seem to forget Selene is every bit of a Witcher as you are. She's very capable of protecting herself and Ciri."

    Geralt looked over at Dandelion his eyes slightly wide with shock before he composed himself and nodded. "You're right, and to add to that. Selene's the one none of us wish to cross. I haven't gotten to really see her fight, but I'm also in a way glad. Means she's never had to go all out."
    Dandelion blinked and looked at him. "All out? You mean to tell me she's been holding back?" "Of course she has. At Kaer Morhen she even held back, why none of us are sure but we also appreciate it." Dandelion wanted to speak but soon found that he had no idea what to say. So that continued traveling.

    Back with Selene and Ciri.

  "Selene?" "Yeah?" "I'm getting tired." Selene looked back at Ciri and frowned a bit. "Do you need us to stop for the night?" Ciri saw the frown, saw the worry in those silver eyes and found herself saying no instead of yes. "No, we can keep going, I was just letting you know, it was really quiet."

    Selene raised an eyebrow as she stared at Ciri. "We'll stop soon, just hang on a little longer okay?" Ciri smiled at this and nodded as the Two continued. After a while they finally dismounted and each of them found a place to sit or lay down. "No fire?" Selene shook her head. "No I'm sorry, we can't risk them finding you."

    Ciri sighed, but knew what Selene meant. "Alright. Night." Selene nodded. "Goodnight." And with that Ciri finally fell asleep while Selene stayed awake thought out the night.

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