Someone New...

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Taylor’s P.O.V

I gently lent my head back against the cool leather of my Toyota Highlander. This day had been exhausting and I wasn’t in the mood to drive ten minutes to my apartment and then flop and laze about so I drove the extra twenty minutes and ended up in front of the house I called home since we moved here when I was fourteen. Driving up, parking in my spot and turning off the truck I stepped out into the cool Hendersonville air with not a care in the world, except for the moment I stepped through the front door.

“I don’t care what you want mom, I can’t change this outcome. How was I meant to know? It was months ago.” I cautiously stepped into the lounge to see mom sitting down with red eyes, dad pacing which he does when nervous and a scared looking Austin on the couch.
“I know you haven’t spoken but this is an awfully big thing to just put on someone just because we are; who we are.” I still hadn’t been noticed by anyone so I sat down and said in a sarcastic tone, “Well it’s good to know that your family recognizes you after you have been away for six months. How is everyone?” My cautious blind optimism not really sinking in at this point that something is or could be wrong, “Hey Taylor how was the tour. We were just discussing the fact that someone put a baby on our doorstep claiming it to be mine. But other than that everything is great.”
“That sounds great Austin the tour was…wait WHAT! A baby are you insane Austin. Ever heard of safe sex?” I was standing and pacing with my dad. Something I did often when I was stressed.
“Geez Tay, it’s not mine. I swear. Look into my eyes I will tell you straight. It’s not my child.” Austin practically forced me to look at him and I fell for it and knew it was the truth. “So what do we do now?”
“Adoption,” was the first word out of my parent’s mouths. I sat and looked at them then cautiously said. “Since the baby was put here. Where exactly is it?” They sat up aghast that I would ask that question but pointed towards upstairs. “Your room Taylor,”
“Mine…why mine exactly?”
“Farthest from the noise or yelling,” I sat back and said in a small voice that everything would be okay and that I would be down in a minute.

I walked up the stairs smiling at the third one from the top that still creaked even though we had fixed it so many times. I paused outside the white door that still had Taylor in curved writing across it. I pressed my ear to the door and didn’t hear any crying so I pushed it open and there in the middle of the bed sat a black capsule so I wasn’t sure what the sex was. I made my way over to the bed and pulled the capsule towards me. The baby was so small. Adoption papers sat on top of the bed beside it along with a dummy and rattle bear. The note was folded beside the dummy.

Dear Austin,

You’re probably wondering why you have a baby on your front steps but please hear me out.
I was young when we got together. I made a mistake in trusting the wrong person. But I found trust
when I met you. You’re an amazing person and brother. Your family is lucky to have you.
While I initially fangirled over your sister I soon learnt that nothing stops you from protecting her that’s why I knew that this baby had to be with you. Be its protective father, I love this baby Austin, but I love me more. Please take care of my five week old baby.

I read the note and smiled, yes Austin was like that but I never knew he dated a girl named Sammy but he was at college this last year so I don’t know. A new sound dragged me away from the note a sound I hadn’t heard since I was a child. A baby’s soft whimpering. I peeked into the capsule and smiled. Rosy cheeks and pale skin met my eyes as the baby’s eyes were still closed. I carefully undid the clips and removed the blanket to see a stretch n grow that was littered with flowers so I guess that the baby was a girl. No name was provided so I guess one was never issued. Cradling the baby I sat cautiously on the edge of the bed, the last time I held a baby was a baby called Libby on the set of the Mine video and she cried at me, didn’t like me at all. But this baby was almost cuddling into me. I rotated myself so I was leaning against the headboard of my bed and laid her on the bed with my long legs either-side of her, my jeans barely brushing her as they kept her in tight. Then it happened, she opened her eyes and focused on me, her bright blue eyes matched mine as I picked her up once again and attempted to swaddle her in a blanket that was nearby. Carrying her downstairs I was met with eyes watching me in fascination. Yes I kiss small children at concerts and hug fans at meet and greets but this is a baby that doesn’t know me or my life and it is cuddling in like I’m the best thing on the planet.

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