Change for the Better

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Taylor’s P.O.V

I was so mad, Louis and I were having a moment and the damn phone interrupted us. ‘MOM’ flashed on the screen so I swiped answer and said “Hey mom.”
“Hey sweetie I was just wondering how your day has been?” I could hear the gentle probing but I chose to ignore it. “Yeah great, Mia woke just after 6.00am so I have been up since then. How about you? Is there anything new happening?” I could hear her scoffing from Hendersonville and was prepared for whatever she had to say to me. “That sounds good at least you don’t need an alarm because you have your daughter. Speaking of Mia, how was her first visit to Nashville Airport or her first brush with British culture. I hear you enjoyed the trip too.” I blushed and remembered that mom couldn’t see me.  “Yeah we had fun there. Did you want to ask something?” I heard her laugh and say to someone else; ‘It’s true she isn’t even denying it.’ I ignored this and she said, “Oh not really the picture speaks volumes. When can we meet him?” I was shocked.
“Yes Taylor, your father and I. We. Get it?” I scoffed and said to her,
“Yeah I get it I just wondered why, you never wanted to meet anyone I date in the past. Why now?”
“Because he was your friend first and I know you like him a lot. You probably love him and I worry for you sometimes. Just please come to lunch.” I breathed silently through my nose and out my mouth before replying with; “Okay we will be there at 11.45am. Tell everyone to be nice, please?” But I was met with the end of a call beeping in my ear. Hanging the phone up then when I moved it to my bedside table and headed downstairs. Checking my watch it was 9.30am already. I went downstairs and saw Louis burping Mia and then he cradled her. I sat down and watched as he turned and his eyes found mine. “Oh look who has arrived Mia, it’s your mommy.” I stood and made my way over to them both, Mia was sleeping.  “We are going to my parents at 11.45am for lunch is that okay? They really want to meet you.” Louis smiled and nodded, “Of course babe, it’s your family. But speaking of family let’s put Mia down,” I let him lead the way back upstairs and watched from the doorway as he tucked her in. Watching him until he appeared in front of me I kissed him and pulled him to my room.

Louis’s P.O.V

Taylor’s hand felt tiny and delicate in mine, I was focused on it then I said, “Will you be my girlfriend Taylor Alison Swift?” I watched her smile.
“Of course I will Louis William Tomlinson. I love you.” I leant down and kissed her and she deepened it, soon we ended up making out on the bed. I watched Taylor roll over and set the alarm for 10.50am so we had time to get ready for lunch. It was only 9.40am so I kissed her again and soon her hands found their way to the bottom of my white t-shirt and she lifted it off me. I kissed her and my hands travelled to the base of her blue jersey; I lifted it over her head and was met with a tiny lace bra. Taylor instantly blushed and then said, “What it matches the underwear and it’s comfortable.”
“I wasn’t complaining love, I love this look. But I think it will look even better on the floor…” I wriggled my eyebrows at her and she giggled. It was the most beautiful sound to me. Ten minutes later her mustard coloured jeans, my black jeans, her lacy underwear and bra and my underwear joined the rest of the clothing on the floor. I leant down and kissed her deeply. She was wriggling under me and when I pushed my tongue into her mouth a moan erupted around it.

 Rolling us over I let her take charge, I wanted this to be memorable for her as well as me. She leant over me to the side table and I took the opportunity to take her breasts into my hands, fondling them she moaned and brought her mouth back to mine, a foil packet caught my attention and she handed it to me. I glanced at her, “I’m not on birth control at the moment I start again tomorrow.” I nodded and rolled us over, kissing her one last time I rolled the condom onto my erection and settled into place, looking into her eyes one last time she arched up to meet me and just like that two people became one. Her electric blue eyes met mine and we began to kiss as the passion built and then suddenly with one final moan from Taylor and a final thrust from me our passion erupted. Collapsing beside her I pulled her into my chest, kissing her forehead and wiping hair and sweat away I ripped the sheets off us and picked her up bridal style, heading for the shower I turned it onto heat and put her in, following her I kissed her and we showered together then got out and got changed in the walk in wardrobe, keeping the baby monitor close by.

I dressed in my black jeans with a nice navy button down shirt. Grabbing a blazer I put it over-top as Taylor came out from the walk in wardrobe in a navy dress with ¾ sleeves and nude heels. Her make-up looked flawless as I made my way over to her and kissed her again, “I really love you Taylor. I’m here until late January and I can’t wait to meet your family. Do you want me to get Mia ready?”
“Nope she is all good to go after a diaper change since she has stuff at my parents. You better put your shoes on. Oh can you zip me?” She turned and flashed me her creamy skin and I put one hand on the exposed flesh, “You know if we didn’t have to be at your parents in half an hour we would be in that bed already Miss Swift.” Taylor giggled then kissed me on the lips, I slid the zip up her back and made my way back to the seat at the end of her bed slipping on my black shoes I then went to change Mia’s diaper for Taylor.

Taylor’s P.O.V

I watched Louis leave and sat down on my seat at the foot of the bed that he was just sitting on. I could remember every touch and every move we made not even an hour ago. The clock ticked 11.15am, we had to leave. I left the bedroom and shouted to Louis that we had to leave and I went to get Mia, but Louis came out and said, “New diaper but she misses mommy.” He handed her to me as I stared open mouthed at him, “What? I said I had experience so I did it for you. Is that okay?” He began to look nervous so I kissed him, “That’s perfect. Thank-you no one else would think to do that. Let’s leave.” I grabbed the keys and handed them to him, “What. You want me to drive?” I just nodded and he took Mia from me and we left the apartment, he put Mia’s head on his shoulder and carried her while I locked the door and followed them to the lift. Putting her in the car seat Louis then jumped into the driver’s seat since I was already settled, pulling out we began the drive to Hendersonville with me giving directions. Glancing at the clock I was pleased that it read 11.25am, right on time.

It was halfway there that Mia fell asleep and I noticed Louis had his right hand relaxing so I took it in mine and held it tight. “I love you Louis, will you stay with me?”
“Of course I will, I love you. Do you think that maybe…no don’t worry.” I looked at him and said,
“Louis, what is it?” He looked at me and then back at the road,
Do you want to come to Doncaster and meet my family between your birthday and Christmas? You don’t have to but if you want to I’m going.” I grinned and smiled so wide I thought it would crack but it didn’t. “I would love to, let’s take my plane and fly direct. That way we don’t have to worry about switching flights with Mia.”
“Really Tay, wow that sentence just made us sound like a family.” He looked at me and I looked at Mia then him, “If you are staying with me then you are a part of our family and Mia’s life, and if you want you can be her daddy but that’s your choice but I know you’re not going anywhere and I’m not going anywhere but your choice,” I watched Louis smile and grin and I knew it was what he wanted, he just didn’t know how to ask. 

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