Unexpected, in a good way...

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Taylor’s P.O.V

It was 8.47pm at night and Mia had been bathed, dried and rubbed with baby oil, then dressed in a white onesie with a music note on the front since it was a long one it was also her pyjamas. She was then fed and burped before I put her down in the crib and left her to sleep. Turning on the T.V Harry’s conversation went through my mind and his shock of finding out I now had Mia, turning onto E News I was shocked to see it had already made headlines but I knew it was formally released at midnight. I lay my head on the arm rest of the couch and fell asleep, a constant buzzing woke me, checking caller id I was shocked to see ‘Carrot Man’ calling. “Hey Louis, what’s happening?”
“Hey Tay, I’ve got a flight to Nashville tomorrow and was wondering if my blonde haired friend…could pick me up at 7.30am your time? I’m just about to board.” My heart began to palpitate really fast. “Sure I can do that, do you mind if I bring someone with me?” I held my breath but relaxed when I heard his breath in my ear. “I would love that, say why don’t you send me a picture just so I don’t go to the wrong blonde with a baby. Would you mind?” I shook my head then remembered that Louis couldn’t see me, “Of course I’ll send you a picture, don’t want you to miss us after all. When do you leave?” I could hear the airport noise behind him,
“Well my flight was just called so I am leaving now, I’ll see you in the morning Tay get some sleep.” I smiled a real smile. “You sure will, I’ll some pictures now so you can fan girl over them for the flight. See you soon Lou, I miss you.”
“I miss you too Tay. Bye.” I dragged my phone from my ear while a grin spread even wider.

Sitting up I flicked through all my pictures of Mia, there was a few from today and one from tonight after her bath. I sent him about five. All I got back was a text that read “Beautiful, can’t wait to meet her.” I smiled again and locked my phone and set about the house tidying up. It was almost 4.00am when I was done, just three hours until I had to leave for the airport. I lay back on my bed and then face palmed myself, the guest room was now Mia’s room since the apartment was only four bedrooms, and I used Mia’s as the guest while I had mine and I used another for a music room and the last one for a study/office/award room which meant that I didn’t have a bed for Louis. ‘Oh well, I can sort it later.’ Two hours later Mia’s crying woke me. I wandered next door and the minute I peeked my head over the crib she stopped crying, picking her up I changed her diaper and then carried her downstairs where I  mixed her formula in with sterile water I had done the night before and then I heated her bottle in the bottle warmer, testing it I then fed her and by this stage it was 6.27am so I carried her upstairs and got her changed into a Peter Rabbit salmon coloured top with a blue striped pinafore overtop of white tights, I secured a pale salmon hat on her head since it was only 8.9°C outside then I set her back in her crib where she drifted off and I went to get ready, time check put it at 6.42am meaning I had eighteen minutes to get dressed then leave. I was ready by 6.58am and had enough time to pre-mix two bottles, put a change of clothing in the diaper bag and pack extra diapers. Gathering a sleeping Mia into my arms I grabbed her favourite owl blanket as I left the nursery, by 7.06am I was in the garage buckling Mia into her car seat and by 7.16am we were halfway to the airport. By the grace of god and good traffic we had arrived and were parked by 7.24am, I still had five minutes to get to gate 13 for Louis, putting Mia into the pram and covering her tiny body with the owl blanket, I put the diaper bag under the pram, pausing to lock the car I then set off for the main terminal where gate 13 was.

Stopping to sign for several fans, Mia went back to sleep while I rocked the pram back and forward I knew no one could see her since I was blocking her and the cover was over the pram, glancing at the board I saw the flight was delayed and after ten minutes I arrived at the gate, Mia was still sleeping so I tucked her up and continued to rock her, the arrivals board changed and the flight from London had arrived. I stood up and just as I did, Mia began to cry. Turning my back on the gate I picked up Mia and consoled her then when she settled I put her back down. That was when I heard a voice behind me. I knew that voice from anywhere.

Louis’s P.O.V

I got off the phone from Taylor and smiled instantly, I felt so much better she sounded like she was good but I knew that I would never be satisfied unless I saw her in the flesh it had been nearly two years by this stage since her and Harry broke up. I missed her a lot but we texted and called a lot, never face-timed though I was rubbish at it, I preferred text. ‘Shake it Off’ began to blast loudly from my phone as Taylor’s pictures arrived, silencing the phone I viewed the pictures, her daughter was certainly beautiful she had sent several of Mia in her pram asleep, one of her wet and wrapped in a towel and another one of her lying between Taylor’s long legs, they looked longer and I was staring at them. Fifteen minutes later I settled back with my headphones on listening to the new Ed Sheeran album and that was how I fell asleep.

Three hours into the flight I woke up, I was the only one in first class so I could be first off, I missed Taylor so much and I really wanted to meet Mia. That was her name according to Taylor’s pictures I was silently looking at them for the next six hours. I was so excited that thirty minutes before we were the airways were full and we would be coasting for about ten minutes and would now land at 7.40am. I was a little mad but settled back and enjoyed it. As soon as the seatbelt signs came off I was out of my seat and into the corridor linking the airport and plane rushing through customs I grabbed my duffle bag and walked out to Gate 13 but I couldn’t see her anywhere, then I caught a glimpse of a blonde haired woman bent over a pram and then she stood and the golden waves cascaded over her shoulders then I decided to surprise her. “Hell of a nice view there, Swiftie? Maybe I want to see your face?” Her shoulders slumped and she turned to face me, tears threatening to fall. Within two steps I was in-front of her and without warning her I crashed my lips to hers. They were soft and warm and tasted like vanilla and caramel latte but I knew she wouldn’t have stopped at Starbucks, then I realised that she wasn’t pulling away from me. I drew back slightly and she stood there, her blue eyes shot to mine as her hand came up to her mouth, “Oh gosh Taylor, I didn’t mean to do that. I just…well I uhm…” She came closer bringing her face close to mine,
“You just uhm what Louis?”
“I uhm wanted to tell you that I have feelings for you Taylor. I always have and I couldn’t stand the idea of Harry’s call hurting you so I came to see you…” my words were cut short as her lips met mine again. This time I kissed her back, the sweet taste overcame me as the kiss deepened until we lost air and broke off. For the first time in over a year I brought her close and hugged her. “I missed you Taylor Swift and I just wanted to say…” I leant back and made sure she was looking at me when I said to her, “…that I love you and I can’t believe I never told you.” I watched as a smile crossed her face and she said, “I love you too Louis, are you ready to go?” I smiled at her and shook my head.
“Not quite love, I believe that someone promised me a beautiful little girl.” I watched as Taylor looked behind her and motioned me over as I leant over the pram the most adorable sight hit me.

A baby with creamy white skin, a few blonde hairs and delicate features I was blown away then as I went to walk away I mistakenly bumped the pram causing her to wake up. Her blue eyes shot upwards as I gasped. Taylor’s hand found mine as I turned to her. Seeing an exact replica on her face I pecked her lips and then bent to pick up the baby. Turing to Taylor I made a joke, “Well this was all I came for. I’ll be going now…” Her face showed a mix of humour and hurt. “I’m kidding Taylor. I came here to profess my love for you and meet your daughter. I must say she looks a lot like you.” Bending down to secure Mia back in the pram I turned it over to Taylor who secured Mia’s hat on below her ears and then made sure the blanket was covering the Peter Rabbit salmon coloured top with a blue striped pinafore overtop of white tights that Mia was cutely rocking. I grinned at the stripes then I kissed Taylor again and picked up my duffle while she led the way from the airport. We made it all the way to her car without being mobbed and when she turned to put Mia in her car seat I grabbed the pram and diaper bag and folded them into the trunk. Then I appeared behind Taylor and opened her door and helped her in while she thanked me then I rode shot gun to her apartment. From there things seemed more comfortable. It was the eighth of October and I didn’t have to be home until the seventeenth of January in the new-year and for once I was happy to be in the States.

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