Crying, Bottles and Nightmares

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Taylor’s P.O.V

Small whimpering sounds shot me straight out of bed at 3.16am, Louis and I had gone to bed a little after 11.30pm so he was still asleep but I had the baby monitor on my side and Mia’s whimpering was very close with her being in the cot at the foot of Louis’s bed. I got myself up and changed into a tank top, fishing in Louis’s suitcase for the baby sling in-case Mia was clingy. I soon found it and I plucked Mia from the crib and took her and the sling downstairs carefully so I didn’t wake Louis. I sort of remembered how to get down to the lounge and when I arrived there I spotted Mia’s capsule which I put her in and brought her to the kitchen with me while I prepared her bottle. Settling the capsule down on the ground I carefully rocked it with my foot while we waited for the bottle. Finally just as Mia’s whimpers were turning into grizzles it was ready, testing it on my arm it was perfect. I carried the capsule back to the lounge and got the spit up cloth and towel so I could burp her later. Lifting her out of the capsule she settled almost as soon as she saw the bottle, popping it into her mouth I sat back and watched her fingers reach out for the bottle while she suckled away on it. Then it hit me that my baby wouldn’t be a baby forever and she was getting a little bigger now at three months old. I reached down and kissed her fingers while her blue eyes fixed on mine, she was adorable and I knew that people were starting to speculate that she was actually mine and not adopted because of her blue eyes and blonde hair but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

It was almost 4.00am when Mia finished the last of the bottle and it was also the time that I heard footsteps on the stairs. Soon a very wide awake looking girl poked her head around the doorframe, I cautiously said, “Hi there, I’m Taylor and this is Mia.” The girl smiled a wide and pure smile and then moved closer to me and said, “I’m Lottie are you Louis’s wife?”
“No not yet Lottie, we are engaged,” I said showing her the ring and then she sat down next to me and watched Mia with fascination. I watched as she carefully reached out a finger to Mia and then giggled when Mia held it fast, “She’s stronger than Ernie was…” I smiled at her and then began to burp Mia, all of a sudden Louis then appeared, “Oh thank god Taylor, I thought you had gone I had a nightmare and…wait Lottie? Why are you up missy?”
“Oh Louis please don’t tell mum, I just wanted a drink of water but then I heard a strange voice so I went and investigated it. Then I met Mia…”
“Well aren’t you a special girl then Lottie, you know Taylor and I don’t just let anyone meet Mia, only the best people become Aunties to Mia. So what do you think? Maybe want to be an Aunt?” I saw the look on Lottie’s face and it was priceless, “Yes, yes I do. What do I have to do for it?” Then I knew it was going to be laid on thick from Louis, “Well Aunts have to sleep all night and get up after 7.00am okay. So you better go to bed.” I watched as Lottie leapt off the couch and hugged me around the waist since I was standing and now burping Mia then hugged Louis and then Lottie went upstairs back to bed. Glancing at the clock it was now 4.15am. Louis walked over and took Mia and my hand and we all went back to bed.

Louis’s P.O.V


“She will never love you Louis, she only wants you to be a father to her child.” Harry stated while sitting down next to him, “No your wrong Harry she loves me.”
“She loved me too but that soon stopped. Where is she now? Mia is ill and where is your precious wife now?” I glanced around the room stopping on Harry before saying.
“You have always been jealous of my life Harry, since I proposed to Taylor. Why don’t you leave and not return.” Harry lifted his arms in surrender and headed for the apartment door. Turning back he then said with venom in his voice. “She will always run, Taylor Swift is nothing but a runner and once she gets what she wants she will run from you. She doesn’t love you…”


Waking up in a cold sweat I immediately reached out for Taylor only to find cold sheets, I staggered from the bed not actually looking into the crib to see if she was actually up with Mia, I rushed downstairs and into the lounge where I saw Taylor then Lottie who stopped me flat. After much coaxing and blackmail Lottie went back to bed and I took my little princess from Taylor and Taylor’s hand and we went back upstairs. Putting Mia into the crib I shut the bedroom door and pulled Taylor over to the bed, sitting down next to her I explained the dream and she had tears in her eyes. “Oh Louis you mean more to me than just being a father to Mia. I love you and that’s why I’m going to marry you. It’s not just so I have someone to look after Mia while I do whatever I want. I’m settling down and we are getting married so we can raise a family.” I looked at her and then leaned over and kissed her on her rosy lips. “Thank you babe, I really needed that reassurance.”
“I love you Louis William Tomlinson and I am going to spend the rest of my life coming up with new ways to prove it to you.” I grinned at her and smiled a really big smile.
“I love you more Taylor Alison Swift soon to be Tomlinson. I can’t wait to marry you and spend the rest of our lives hanging out together.” Soon we were kissing again and I picked Taylor up and she straddled my lap, I could feel my pyjama pants growing tighter and I think she knew that because she pressed harder into my groin as I moaned into our kiss. Drawing away for a minute I whispered to her, “You’re such a tease Swift you don’t even realize how hot this is right now.” She winked at me and said, “Oh trust me I know. How long can you hold out for is the question though.” I slyly smiled at her and before she could realize what was happening I rolled us over so I was on top of her. “That’s how long I can last Taylor. You’re so beautiful I love you.”

She reached up and removed my shirt as I removed her tank top, she was still wearing a bra underneath and I groaned in frustration, she always had the upper hand. Then everything else was removed. I checked Mia was asleep and then I kissed Taylor with more passion than I think we ever have. She murmured something to me and I stopped kissing her, “What was that babe?”
“I’m not protected Louis,” I internally groaned and then got up off her and went to my suitcase where I packed condoms into it. She laughed and said, “Expecting this were you Mr. Tomlinson?”
“Of course Miss Swift, you can’t resist me.” I handed her the condom and she rolled it on as we found our rhythm once more and this time there were no interruptions. Just before 6.00am we rolled away from each other but I pulled her back into my arms. “That was amazing.”
“I know I love you so much.” Taylor rolled over to face me and I pulled her in for a kiss. “I love you too.” Then we both drifted off to sleep until Mia woke at 8.15am and we both groaned. I let Taylor get in the shower and I undressed Mia and passed her to Taylor in the shower so she could be washed then when Mia was done Taylor handed her back to me and I went and laid her on the bed to pat her dry. Five minutes later Taylor emerged fully dressed in her mustard coloured jeans, navy jersey with a cat on it and blue suede ankle boots and along with her minimal make up she looked a million dollars. We switched positions and she dressed Mia and I showered, when I was done I threw on a pair of red jeans and a white striped jersey with some toms.

Coming out of the bathroom I was met with Taylor hooking Mia into the sling on her chest and dancing around while she made the bed. “Hell of a view there Swiftie,” she turned suddenly and met my eyes and then her finger extended “Don’t start something you can’t finish Mr. Tomlinson.” I smirked and replied. “If we were at home we wouldn’t be having this conversation we would already be back in bed.” I came over and kissed her on the lips. She sighed as we made our way out to the landing and then downstairs to begin the best ten days ever.

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