Secrets and Surprises

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Taylor’s P.O.V

I was sitting on a massive secret, one that I didn’t really want to tell anyone. But soon it would be obvious, I was secretly pleased and I had discussed it with Scott and management before I left for Doncaster and was so pleased that no one else knew since it would shock them. I was a little terrified about the outcome but Scott had assured me that it was a good idea and he was so happy for me.

We had arrived at my parents and I looked at Mia lovingly when I got her out of the car, handing her to Louis who was waiting with the owl blanket I grinned thinking about our life. I was so excited to be marrying Louis and the week in Doncaster had just convinced me more. Bringing Mia inside she was immediately scooped up by my mom and dad pulled me into a bone crushing hug, I hoped that he wasn’t disappointed by what I was telling them tonight. I then excused myself to go to the bathroom, I went to my room that Mia now used. Louis came looking for me a bit later and found me looking at old pictures of me and Abigail from when we were fifteen. “Taylor honey you looked great back then…”
“Ha-ha Lou, you’re funny. Look at those curls…” I laughed at his comment and then he kissed me and said it was present time since we had eaten on the plane already. I got up and followed him silently. I had insisted on giving mine last and was cuddling Mia close. She was sound asleep, her cute little nose and face poking out of the owl blanket, she was so warm and heavy so I knew it was a deep sleep. Finally it was time for me to hand out my ones. I put Mia in the cane basket crib mom had brought downstairs, kissing her head I whispered to her, ‘I love you to the moon and back Mia Sophie Swift. You’re always going to be my baby.’

Standing I grabbed the first present and gave it to Austin, waiting for him to unwrap it he was pleased to see a new set of photography equipment. ‘Crap I gave him the wrong one’ I silently giggled and thought ‘Silly me’ then I handed mom and dad theirs. Mom got a new cook book and dad got a BBQ Mate book that he wanted. I then turned to Louis and said “One more round then you get yours.” He kissed me and I felt my legs go weak. Turning I gave Austin his next one, he was expecting a funny one and then he unwrapped it. Finding a tiny baby rattle he smirked and looked at me closely I knew that he knew and I smiled. Turning to mom, she unwrapped a tiny baby blanket and she looked confused then dad unwrapped a tiny teddy bear and like Austin he had put it all together and smiling at me I nodded and he stood and hugged me thanking me for the presents, so did mom and Austin. I knew mom was still confused then I turned to Louis, “Hey babe, I have this for you. Now it’s not much but I think you will like it anyway.”
“I don’t care about costs Taylor you could give me a kiss and it would be enough.” I handed him the square package and he looked at it then tore the paper off and lifted the lid. He found three things inside, a pair of ear plugs with a note saying, ‘Better break these it in soon’ then he got to the next one a small photograph, it was grainy and small the note attached said, ‘See the item below.’ He looked at me and I smiled at him, he then un-wrapped the final package, it was small and thin. He let out a whoop of glee and threw the presents aside, “Really Taylor. Are you sure?”
“Yes Louis, I’m almost six weeks pregnant now. I found out before we went to Doncaster.” Smiling at him I turned to mom who was buried in dads shoulder crying and Austin looked excited. “Ready for another one, eh Taylor?” I just smiled and nodded as Louis hugged me from behind.

Louis’s P.O.V

‘I’m going to be a father…’ I was so excited that I couldn’t shake it out of my head, we were still sitting around at Taylor’s parents talking about the pregnancy, Taylor decided that she wanted to keep it quiet for at least another six weeks and I agreed with her. “You’re so right on that one Taylor, we don’t need more cameras on you this early into the pregnancy.” I was grinning as I held Mia close to me glancing down at her I knew this was the best year I had ever had, nothing could change it.

We spent the night at Taylor’s parent’s house since the snow was too deep for us to travel safely back to Nashville, I didn’t mind. We had packed a bag anyway with pyjamas and fresh clothes since neither of us were sure how the weather would progress. I had spent the night the best way possible, holding Mia until she fell asleep spending valuable time with Taylor after her family went to bed and now here in bed holding her close while she slept thinking about the next few months and how amazing they are going to be. Slowly my eyes closed and I fell into a deep slumber waking to my phone blasting ‘Shake it off’ again and waking Taylor and Mia. Reaching over I saw it was my mum and I answered it while Taylor got Mia and went downstairs. “Hey mum,”
“Hi Louis, Dan and I just wanted to call you to warn you about something.” I felt myself freeze and I managed to ask, “What’s wrong mum?”
“Well Lou, Niall just called to say that Harry is releasing a news story on why you left the band.” I put my head in my hands as I groaned, “Louis listen to me, Niall and the boys are not in the band anymore, Simon has kicked Harry out and signed Liam, Niall and Zayn to a separate deal. Harry went on a massive rant and is releasing a story to damage you and Taylor.” I groaned again and said
“No, this can’t be happening, this is supposed to be the best time of her life right now. I don’t want her hurt again by Harry…” I carried on ranting and stopped when I heard mum ask a question that shocked me. “Is Taylor pregnant Louis?” My heart began to beat fast in my chest and I nodded then remembered that she couldn’t see me at all. “Yes mum, she found out before we came to Doncaster and she told me yesterday through my Christmas present.”
“Oh my gosh Louis, I’m so excited for you but I did suspect it when you came to Doncaster. Our first grandchild how is Taylor? Is she okay? Resting and drinking heaps of water?”  I began to laugh and after assuring her Taylor was great she let me go.

We left the Swift household for Nashville after lunch since by that stage Austin had left to spend time with friends and Mia was getting tired so we were keen to drive to get her to sleep. All to soon the familiar landscape came into view as I drove us back to the apartment, turning to talk to Taylor I noticed that she was asleep I grinned and leant over to peck her cheek and she awoke with a start I ran around the car and helped her out and got Mia who was sleeping soundly so I took the whole capsule. The green walls were enchanting as we stepped into the apartment Taylor walked into the bathroom and I took Mia to the nursery and changed her diaper before settling her into bed. Turning on the mobile Grant and Amos made her I went to find Taylor to tell her about the phone call.

Taylor’s P.O.V

I knew that Louis wanted to talk to me about the phone call but I didn’t want to hear if his mum and step-dad didn’t approve. Unfortunately I didn’t get a choice since after he came back down from putting Mia to bed he sat next to me and pulled me into his lap to sit on it. “Hey honey, I told my mum about the baby…”I just sat there waiting for the penny to drop and when it did I was shocked. “She’s so excited babe, can’t wait. They are actually coming out in a few weeks just to see us but of course now it’s to see you.” I watch as his hands tangle with mine and I breathe a sigh of relief that she doesn’t mind that I’m pregnant. If I’m honest it’s starting to grow on me too and I can’t believe that in a few months Mia will have a little brother or sister. I’m secretly hoping for a girl because Mia is so easy and Louis is used to girls with his sisters and one brother.

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