New Faces, New Plans

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Taylor’s P.O.V

Mia slept from 11.46pm last night until 5.49am this morning. Obviously even though Sammy didn’t want her she still installed good sleeping routines or someone did. I was thankful either way. She was an easy baby so far. So we got up at 6.15am after I changed her diaper and dressed her in a tiny full length onesie that said ‘I love Music’ then I swaddled her in a pink blanket and we went downstairs. There I found my mom was making pancakes for breakfast, dad had gone to the shops for milk and orange juice. So I talked to mom and got the capsule and put Mia in it, securing her safely I turned to prepare her bottle mom and I began to talk about today and going to the courts which I said I had called Julian my lawyer to meet me at 11.00am which was when he made the appointment. I had filled in the paperwork that was left and we were filing it today and then at 12.00pm I was going back to file adoption papers on the grounds of the child being put on our doorstep which Julian said I would win. I was so excited that I didn’t hear half of what my mom was saying. Lifting Mia out of the capsule I tested the bottle and popped it into her mouth, her blue eyes found mine as she suckled away on the bottle. Almost an hour later Mia was back asleep in my arms so I took her upstairs so I could prepare her for today. Dressing her warmly I took her back downstairs and chatted to mom and dad until Austin got up then I started to get ready for court but Mia decided that it was fun to spit up on me.

Later that morning…

Dad had gotten Mia’s car seat installed in my Toyota Highlander and then after changing twice because Mia spat up on me we eventually got on the road back to Nashville, I had all the extra bags of clothing in the trunk as well as Mia’s purple diaper bag which was stocked with nappies, warm water and containers of individual formula plus an extra two sets of clothes. She was wearing a pretty music onesie that was full length with a pair of black pants, socks and a t-shirt that said ‘my uncle is my king’ and a cuddly jacket as well as a tiny pink owl hat and she was well wrapped up with the owl blanket over-top of her. No one could say that she was cold. I was driving back to Nashville and she fell asleep it was a cold day only 12 degrees outside. Pulling up outside the courthouse I spotted Julian and he saw me, making his way over while I jumped out and got out Mia’s diaper bag with her extra blanket in it. Slinging it over my shoulder I also threw in my phone and gave the papers to Julian while I put Mia’s hat on her and then unbuckled Mia. I heard an “Aww…” behind me and cradling Mia near my neck she nudged her nose in closer and as I spun to face Julian I said, “What?”
“Nothing Taylor, it’s just that this is almost like it was made for you. She looks a little like you too.”
I pulled back and looked at her closely. “Maybe, time will tell. We should get inside. It’s cold out here.” Julian smiled then gestured for me to go first. I locked my car and we walked.

It was well after 11.17am when Judge Drake took us into her chambers. I was beginning to worry until that point, Mia had been fed her bottle and I had changed her diaper and she was now swaddled in her blanket and asleep in my arms. She looked so cute she was sort of smiling as she slept. Upon walking into the chambers the Judge offered me a seat and I took it, cradling Mia while placing down the diaper bag and settling on the couch. Mia awoke but I gently laid her on-top of my legs and using my forefinger to rub circles on her chest lulled her back to sleep. Judge Drake smiled at me then began to talk.

Judge Drake’s P.O.V

Earlier I read the docket and thought there had to be some type of mistake. ‘Taylor Swift: Petition for adoption on the grounds of abandonment.’ I did admit that I was a fan and slightly nervous to meet her. She seemed so nice onstage but I knew things could be different off stage. It was nearly 11.20am when I called Taylor Swift to my chambers. She was cradling the child in question, I offered her a seat and she thanked me her lawyer gave me the relevant papers and moving through them I saw no problem but I was also watching as Taylor laid the child on her long legs and rub a circle on the child’s chest to give comfort since the child was wrapped up tight. Then I cleared my throat to talk, her blue eyes met mine and I began to speak. “Well Miss Swift, you have certainly bonded with the child. Do you know how old she is?” I watched as Taylor looked at the child and then she nodded and said, “She is five weeks old Judge Drake.”
“Wow that’s quite young to be left so I’m going to approve your petition and approve the adoption. Now I’m gathering she has no name or you don’t know it so in that case what will her name be?” Taylor smiled at her lawyer then looked me dead in the eye, “I would like to name her Mia Sophie Swift. I don’t know her birth name nor birth date.”
“Oh I can look that up do you know the mothers name and birth date?” I watched Taylor fish for something in the diaper bag, a note. “Yes mam, the mothers name is Sammy Olivia Owens and her birth date is the 5th June 1991. She was my brother’s girlfriend nearly two years ago.”

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