Beware of Backlash

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Taylor’s P.O.V

I was so pleased to be pushing Mia out of Big Machine Records I was once again overwhelmed by the nature of some people. Some were intrigued by her and others didn’t care and just pushed past but what many don’t realise is that without big artists like me and Tim McGraw they wouldn’t have jobs. But I brushed it off as soon as the fresh Nashville air hit my face, I pushed the pram towards the Highlander and unlocked it taking care not to wake up Mia earlier than she needed to be, but it lasted all of five minutes once I decided to put her in the capsule/car seat. Buckling her in I secured the pink blanket with circles on it around her and she was almost asleep again. I packed up the pram and diaper bag and began to drive back to the apartment. Parking underneath in the garage I unpacked the pram and put Mia’s capsule back in it with the blanket around her, diaper bag over my shoulder and the four bags of clothing in the carrier under the pram. Locking the car, Mia and I made our way upstairs through the lobby towards our penthouse apartment that would need to be sold in time.

The first few minutes of being home was torture but sweet at the same time, I put Mia in the bouncy seat while I made the bottle and Meredith and Olivia came wandering over to meet the newest addition to the family, Olivia smooched her and Meredith licked her head but Mia was fascinated by the cats and their sounds. I smiled and then the ringing of my phone brought me back down to earth. Mia was relaxed so I reached and answered it without checking the caller id. ‘bad mistake
“Taylor how could you do that to me, putting my private life into one of your pathetic little songs. You are worse than I thought.”
“Harry? Why do you care you cheated on me so naturally I’m going to write some type of song about you,” I made it painstakingly obvious that it wasn’t changing and that it was too bad. After a few minutes he calmed down and apologized and mentioned that he was going on for an interview so I made the mistake of saying, “Great because I have to get back to my daughter.”
“Daughter…how long have we been separated?” Harry accused through the phone.
“She’s not yours, I adopted her today and she needs her bottle so goodbye Harry.” I just hung up the phone on the Harry Styles, the one boy I could have seen a future with, glancing down at Mia who was starting to fuss I picked her up, snuggling her close I whispered to her, “You are the only thing I need in my life. I love you Mia Sophie Swift.” Kissing her delicate head with a few blonde hairs I popped the bottle into her mouth and watched her drink then drift off to sleep. Taking the bottle from her I carried her upstairs through the apartment to her new room where her crib was all set up. Setting her down as I covered her in her blanket and turned on the baby monitor. I watched her for a while fascinated by her delicate features and pale creamy skin. Then I walked out and downstairs to do laundry keeping the baby monitor close by at all times.

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