Cold, are you sure?

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Three Weeks Later…

Harry’s P.O.V

“Open up four!” The voice rang through my head for the thousandth time since I arrived here. Guilt ate at me as I tried to face what I had done. Nothing worked. I felt cold, empty and hollow. I no longer felt like ‘the Harry Styles’ I was no longer the perfect pop star who bedded women left right and center and acted like it didn’t matter when it did matter. I had killed Taylor Swifts unborn child and that was something I couldn’t deal with. The next question that flashed through my mind was; ‘How do I get past this?’

Taylor’s P.O.V

It had been three weeks since Louis and I got married, the paparazzi found out naturally, however we were met with support from everyone. Scott sent us to do interviews with many talk-show hosts including ELLEN, David Letterman and Katie Couric who we had cancelled the day that Mia was sick. Everyone was excited to hear the ex-boyband member was married to the country turned pop princess who was riding the charts. But none of that mattered to us, we were just glad to have each other, we had survived the miscarriage and were doing nothing to prevent getting pregnant again but we also were aware of what the next tour would do to our schedules and we didn’t know if actually having a baby was the best thing to do at this point. We had Mia and she was six months old so we had to be aware that two kids under the age of two may be too much to handle at the present time but no protection meant possibilities.

Louis’s P.O.V

Rolling over in bed I reached out and found empty cold sheets, flinging back the covers I was met with muffled cries and Taylor’s voice singing sweetly “…oh darling don’t you ever grow up…”smiling to myself as I realised that no one in the history of our lifespan would ever get to experience that with Taylor. She was all for me and I loved her to no end. We had been married for about a month and the ‘1989’ tour rehearsals had started a week ago and Taylor was already complaining about the length of the tour and how she didn’t get to see Mia all day so I told her she could have her in the morning before I had her all day. I lay there listening to her singing and then I got up. Walking down the hallway I found Meredith and Olivia in the main bathroom snuggled on the heated floor, I laughed and continued to Mia’s nursery where I found Taylor sitting in the rocking chair with Mia snuggled on her, fists balled up and sleeping peacefully while Taylor ran her fingers up and down Mia’s back contently. I watched from the doorway and Taylor seemed to glow around Mia, I knew the tour would be too long because she wanted to be pregnant now which was hard considering the last few months, I knew she was ready but the tour didn’t give us time we needed.

“Hey there love, what are you doing?” I whispered into Taylor’s ear. She turned to smile at me and said, “Enjoying time with my daughter. What are you doing up?” I laughed and showed her my watch. It was 10.57am. “Taylor, you fell asleep with Mia, I tried to wake you up but you were dead love.”
“Oh crap, Louis I’m meant to be at rehearsals today, it’s the main dance numbers…” I shook my head and said, “No babe, today Mia needs to visit the paediatrician and we are both taking her.”
“Okay Louis, thank you for reminding me.” I looked at her quizzically and then just shook it off thinking ‘Taylor can’t have forgotten the appointment, she made it two weeks ago.’ I just went and got dressed and made up the diaper bag. Calling to Taylor I reminded her that we were leaving in five and she arrived in front of me, “I was in the living room, Lou. Didn’t you see me?”
“No love, I didn’t sorry.” I kissed her lips and she carried Mia and we left.

An hour later Doctor Wilson took us in and checked over Mia I found it strange however that he kept watching us all, especially Taylor. I noticed that she looked a little pale at one point but she perked back up again, I thought she was getting sick but she assured me it was because of the rehearsals and she was run down so I let it go. Then as Mia was done, Taylor was doing up her onesie when Doctor Wilson asked to speak to us about something. “Louis, Taylor. Would you mind if we talked a little?” I looked at Tay and she looked back and I said
“Sure thing.” I watched as Taylor put Mia back into the capsule and sat her by our feet where my foot began to rock the capsule and Mia went to sleep. “Okay guys, how have you been since the miscarriage?” I looked to Taylor who answered first.
“Well sometimes it’s hard, but we got married a month ago and things are getting better if I could get rid of this cold I’d be okay…” His eyes lit up at her and I frowned.
“Cold, are you sure?”
“I mean as sure as one can be about a cold, I just get run down and I’m so tired at the moment…” Taylor kept talking as the doctor filled in a prescription. Handing it to Taylor he said, “I’m not one hundred percent sure but you should do this when you get home, give it to the nurse out front and she will get it. Do it when you get home okay? I’m certain that’s your problem. Call me if you need to come back in.” I nodded and we headed out to the nurse, she smiled at us and filled it and said to do it when we got home. I smiled at Taylor and she accepted it, paid for the visit and we left.

Arriving home I took Mia from Taylor and Taylor took the prescription inside. “Hey I’ll just put Mia down, meet you in the living room.” I called to Taylor as she plonked herself down on the couch next to Meredith, I found Olivia on the rocking chair in the nursery where she loved the sunny room. Tucking Mia into bed I padded back downstairs where Tay sat with the bag in-front of her on the coffee table. “Oh hey there Lou, watch Mere.” I watched as she called Meredith and Meredith rolled over and landed on the floor. Meowing I patted her then she wandered off in search of another place to sleep. I kissed Taylor as I sat down and I reached out and grabbed the bag, “Let’s see what he wants you to take?” I stuck my hand inside the package and pulled out a rectangular object. “What the, is he serious?”

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