Meeting Family

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Two Weeks Later

Taylor’s P.O.V

“Hurry Louis, we have to be at the airport in an hour and you’re running late again.” I felt like he was doing it on purpose but in reality he was nervous. I could tell. Going out in public outside Nashville for the first time since the news broke a week ago, unfortunately for us the news of our engagement broke at the same time which was something we wanted to keep secret for a few weeks but oh well. “I’m coming Taylor, hold up. Did you grab…”
“Yes Louis I got the diaper bag, Mia and your phone.” I said with an exasperated tone. Louis poked his head out from the kitchen, “my phone?” I held it up and stared at him then started to laugh.
“Oh come on Tay, I’ve been looking for that for an hour. Let’s go.” He stalked past me with the keys then at the door he stopped and turned suddenly almost sending me and Mia crashing into him. “Louis what the heck…” he smirked and said with a grin,
“Oh nothing I just remembered something…this.” And then with all the passion in the world his lips found mine and he kissed them, I responded immediately and Mia began to cry. Louis then took the diaper bag and the keys while I cradled Mia tightly she was in a grizzly stage and only three and a half months old but Louis and I were both hoping that taking my plane to Doncaster would make things easier, since it had the bed in the back so if she got restless one of us could sleep holding her, the porta cot was also set up in the bedroom too.

We arrived at the airport on time, we pulled up right next to the airplane which made things easy with Mia, Louis and the security guards grabbed the bags while I took Mia on board and greeted my pilot Mick, he had been flying with me since I first started. Ten minutes later I was settled with Mia in one of the seats when Louis plopped down next to me and the security took their seats at the front of the plane so they didn’t interrupt us. Louis had text his mum letting her know that we were leaving Nashville in the next ten minutes and then he kissed me and we settled back to a long ten hour flight to Doncaster. About two hours into the flight Louis who had Mia came back to me and sat down, Mia was wide awake and we had been walking her for the better part of an hour when he said, “ Maybe we should all go lie down Tay, let her lie on you or me and we can all sleep for a bit.” Smiling at Louis I let him stand and lead the way, we were dressed in comfortable clothing, dark blue jeans and a mauve jersey for me paired with black oxfords, Louis was wearing black jeans, a dark blue dress shirt with polka dots on it and his black toms and I had dressed Mia in a ‘Daddy answers to me’ onesie with a pair of white socks and striped red and white tights. She also had a little white peter rabbit hat on her head. She looked mighty cute and rocked her stripes according to Louis.

Half an hour later Louis was asleep with Mia on his bare chest since it worked when we went to Ellen last time and he had just drifted off too. I stood and snapped a picture before leaving them to sleep and stepping back out to the plane where I talked to Ben and Phil the security guys and time flew fast after that. I napped, checked on Mia and Louis but they were out to it so I freshened up in the bathroom and then went to tell Louis that there was only ten minutes before we descended. He was slowly waking and I picked up Mia and sat next to him, changing her diaper for a fresh one, I popped the dummy into her mouth so she could suck on something whilst we landed and swaddled her in the owl blanket. Louis then got up and began to sort out things, the bags, the pram and then Mick announced that we were landing so we found seats and sat down, I cradled Mia who was whimpering and Louis was kissing her forehead trying to distract her so then he began to count down from ten.

Louis’s P.O.V

Taylor came and woke me when we were about to land, the nerves kicked in but then I saw her ring and remembered that she wasn’t going anywhere, she picked up Mia while I put my shirt back on. Ten minutes later I was counting down from ten. “10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1…we landed Mia,” I placed a kiss on her forehead and kissed Tay on the lips, I don’t think she expected it but she moulded against it anyway and kissed back, it was only when Mia began to whimper loudly we broke apart and I whispered, “Someday we will be able to kiss without whimpering interrupting us.”
“I know Lou, but that’s like fifteen years away. We better get used to this for right now. She needs us more than we need each-others lips. Well at least that’s what she thinks.” I grin at her and place another kiss onto her cheek before standing and helping security grab out stuff we needed. Taylor sat and re-swaddled Mia because it was freezing outside then she put her in capsule we brought over. By the time she was done Ben and Phil had helped me get everything into the waiting vehicle that would take us to my parents. It was 9.15pm local time and we had another ten minute drive to my childhood home. Thankfully everyone except mum and Dan were asleep and I couldn’t wait for Taylor to meet mum and Dan.

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