Nashville Christmas

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Taylor’s P.O.V

I was originally nervous to meet Louis’s family and I was still nervous until Dan came up to me when I was feeding Mia the day after we arrived, he just sat down and said in a low voice, “You don’t need to be afraid Taylor, you are the first girl Louis has ever brought home and Jo and I couldn’t be more proud that we get you as a daughter in-law soon…” Dan continued to talk to me about things and before I knew it the days had passed and we were packing to leave in the morning. Louis and I had managed small walks through Doncaster since no one minded that he wasn’t famous anymore, we posed for pictures but always made sure Mia stayed at Louis’s with Dan or Jo since we didn’t want her in the spotlight. I sat on the bed and groaned to Louis, “Great we have a ten hour flight home with Mia, let’s keep her up most of the night so she will be tired.”
“Good idea love, I’ll stay up with her for a few hours then we will switch.” I nodded and at 3.00am we switched since we had to be at the airport by 7.00am to be back in Nashville by 8.00pm for dinner at my parents. We enjoyed the last of the time we had here and before we left Jo and Dan told us they would visit next Christmas and to skype all the time. We both smiled and nodded and ten hours later we were walking through the doors of our apartment, Meredith and Olivia were napping on the couch. I smiled as I sniffed the air, “It feels great to be back in Nashville.” Then I put Mia down in the playpen beside her stuffed elephant that she liked.  

Turning to face Louis he met me in the middle of the lounge and kissed me fully on the lips whispering to him softly, “we have to leave now, so we are at dinner on time.”
“I…know…Taylor but your lips…” I pulled away sharply as he groaned in frustration. I bent down and picked up a now sleeping Mia and cradled her close, Louis grabbed the keys and we headed to my parents place.

Louis’s P.O.V

I was driving us all to the Swifts for Christmas Eve Dinner and it just felt right, Taylor’s hand was pressed to mine, her ring proudly showing while Mia was sleeping in the backseat. Obviously tired from the travel and I couldn’t blame her one bit. Twenty minutes of comfortable silence we pulled up to the Swifts, the snow was quite deep in Hendersonville compared to Nashville. But we were prepared. I looked over at my beautiful fiancée lifting Mia from the capsule, she was clad in Doncaster gear, a blue striped pinafore with a pale yellow top underneath which was covering her ‘Mommy’s little princess’ onesie that mum and Dan got us. Taylor also put Mia’s white tights on from the day I first met her and then I ran my gaze over Taylor. A vision of beauty she was wearing a long sleeved black cocktail dress with her black winter coat, black boots showed out the bottom covering her stocking clad feet. I went over to Taylor and grabbed the owl blanket as Taylor handed a sleepy Mia to me, grinning I kissed her and we made our way inside, presents already under the tree from before we left for Doncaster. I knew deep down that I loved her so much and couldn’t wait to marry her.

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