Not in a million years

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Harry’s P.O.V

A large smile broke out over my face as I heard the words I never thought I’d hear, “Syles, your free,” grinning at the officer I went and filled out the sheet and was handed a box of my possessions from when I was first locked up. Glancing into the box I found my IPhone 5, gold rolex watch, ray band sunglasses and my clothing including my boots. The guard motioned towards a room so I could change out of the orange jumpsuit and I took the chance, pulling it away from me I slid my white t-shirt and black skinny jeans onto my body noticing that it had toned up more and I would need to shop. I handed the jumpsuit back to the guard and they then handed me my wallet that was under lock and key as I made sure all the items were there. Credit card, check. I.D, check. Condom, check but throw out. I turned on the charm and nodded to the guard who pointed towards the door. Sunlight blinded me as I staggered towards the exit thinking in my head. ‘I need to make a call.’

I hailed a Taxi and made my way to a nearby motel, sitting down in the grimy room I thought to myself, ‘ prison is better than this dump’ then I made the call. Picking up my phone I realised it was dead, groaning I got off the bed and went to the office to borrow their phone. They pointed to a payphone so obviously they didn’t know who I was or else they didn’t care. I didn’t blame them I had killed someone after all. Pulling out my wallet I found some loose change and I put it in and dialled a familiar phone number, the person answered in seconds. “Hello.” My heart fell to the ground when I spoke back and the voice changed. “What do you want Harry?”

Louis’s P.O.V

“What do you want Harry?” Then tone of my voice changed and I felt myself turning cold and harsh towards a man I had known for over five years now but that man had stolen something from me that could never be returned no matter how hard he tried. My child. “I want to meet you and talk to you..”
“That’s ever happening Harry, not in a million years.”
“Look I just want to tell you how sorry I am, for what I did to you and Tay…”
I felt the blood drain from my face, “Don’t you dare say her name, after everything you did to her when you dated her, then calling her and accusing her of keeping a child from you. I can’t believe you would think that you can say or think her name!” The venom laced my words making me shudder as I spoke them.
“Look I get it Louis but I need to apologize for what I did, it was unforgivable and if you let me apologize I will then disappear and you won’t hear from me ever again.”
“No Harry. At one point before you went bad it could have been the best thing in the world for you to deal with it and get over it. Taylor never did anything to you. She let you walk all over her on that vacation, you didn’t care. You called her ‘boring’ because she didn’t want to drink all the time but she should have called you worse than an arsehole. Taylor is now finally in a good place since the miscarriage, meeting or talking to you would bring back those memories and all the hard work we have done to be where we are. I’m sorry but you can’t talk to her. Don’t call again.” I disconnected the phone and laid it on the bench, heaviness rallied around me as two arms wrapped around my waist and wonderstruck perfume lingered around my nostrils. “Thank you Louis, I love you so much.”
Turning to face her I kissed her lips and said, “No Taylor I love you and that’s all I really know."

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